80K CAD was in Liquid cash just sitting in the bank. I'm 27 years old and having 80K in liquid cash easily proves enough financial establishment. Especially when most of this money has been sitting around for a few months.
Besides the liquid cash, I also showed 50k CAD in the American Stock Market and 120k CAD invested in the Indian stock market. The dividends(3-4%) I receive from these investments alone are enough to pay for multiple trips to Canada.
And when talking about if a trip would be a reasonable expense, My travel history shows trips I took just to go to remote islands far out in the middle of nowhere just for a few days and yet visiting family in Canada would be an unreasonable expense?
Notes say nothing about not having solid ties to home country because I provided enough evidence to ties to home country.
The only two points of argument they had was finances and status in the USA.