Your boy did not need to be declared (except as a family member) - as a citizen already, his immigration status is unaffected by yours. So no worry that it is not on the eCOPR - it would only show dependents who are not already citizens or PRs.HELLO there, I almost have same situation, please I need help. I just got my pr last August and when I saw my ecopr, it says I don't have dependent but I do declare my non accompanying Canadian citizen son who born and currently in Philippines. I am wondering how could I get him from Philippines, he only have proof of Canadian citizenship certificate , he doesn't have passport. My ex and I had divorced and no contact with each other long time ago.
He will need to get a Canadian passport. Note, to join you, you will almost certainly need a court order for sole custody* or the father's permission to take him out of country (and possibly to get the passport, too, I don't recall).
*In some countries mothers have automatic or default sole custody, sometimes up to a certain age, that's a domestic matter in PH. If the father cannot be found, most countries will have a procedure to grant sole custody, but that can be lengthy. Your best bet by far is to find the father and convince him to sign off the docs.