im a medical student, got approval for doing a one month of clinical clerkship at UofT- t.general hosptal. now i need to ask about the visa application:
questions about form 5257
1, in resonse to question "name , adres , relationof any person, or institution i plan to visit", since im going on a short study course what do i have to put in the section ' relationship to me" ??.. there is no relationship b/w me and the institute
2, i`m currently in university... so to the question " highest level of post sec. education" what should i write? plus there are asking dates from--to.. i havent graduated how can i write "to"
3,"employment section" what should i put in it? never employed? all the current and past educational places? ( school. college, universty)
4,I applied for US visa, got rejected..two reason : wrong category and wont return b/c family member in US ....should i mention this? how will it impact my application?
5, how to sign the application..after typing and filling on PC and printing ..i have to sign the applctn by using PEN?
6, I have no travel history..how badly will it hurt?
7, bank account of 30000 CD enough? for finance?
8, how to book hotel/room and get its confirmation? ( reasonable price 700cd)
9,my medschool transcript aint very good? will it effect?
10,how to make letter support? any idea or sample?
11, do i have to fill form 5257 b_1?
12, should write a cover letter? how long? ideas!!
need your help ppl...
im a medical student, got approval for doing a one month of clinical clerkship at UofT- t.general hosptal. now i need to ask about the visa application:
questions about form 5257
1, in resonse to question "name , adres , relationof any person, or institution i plan to visit", since im going on a short study course what do i have to put in the section ' relationship to me" ??.. there is no relationship b/w me and the institute
2, i`m currently in university... so to the question " highest level of post sec. education" what should i write? plus there are asking dates from--to.. i havent graduated how can i write "to"
3,"employment section" what should i put in it? never employed? all the current and past educational places? ( school. college, universty)
4,I applied for US visa, got rejected..two reason : wrong category and wont return b/c family member in US ....should i mention this? how will it impact my application?
5, how to sign the application..after typing and filling on PC and printing ..i have to sign the applctn by using PEN?
6, I have no travel history..how badly will it hurt?
7, bank account of 30000 CD enough? for finance?
8, how to book hotel/room and get its confirmation? ( reasonable price 700cd)
9,my medschool transcript aint very good? will it effect?
10,how to make letter support? any idea or sample?
11, do i have to fill form 5257 b_1?
12, should write a cover letter? how long? ideas!!
need your help ppl...