Wilson78 said:
Hope all of you are doing good .
Does NB PNP program stills accepts EOI under EELMS (Labour market stream) open category ? .
If yes , What would be the best time ( in terms of date and exact starting time - NB area time zone ) to submit
NB PNP EOI ? .Do they have any monthly cap on the number of invitations sent ? .
I'm a software developer with over 10 years of experience and fits into the open category.
Looking forward to hearing from you
Eligibility Criteria
Important information on EOIs
The NBPNP Express Entry Labour Market stream is temporarily only accepting Expressions of Interest (EOIs) from individuals with a connection to New Brunswick such as the following:
Job offer in New Brunswick
Working in New Brunswick
Post-secondary education in New Brunswick
Relatives in New Brunswick
French as their first language which is backed by their Test d’évaluation de français (TEF) certificate:
This cannot be the TEF for Quebec (TEFAQ)
The results must be at least at the Canada Language Benchmark level 7 for all four skills