Hello Folks,
I recently cleared my IELTS, and my scores are L:8, R:7, W:7, S:6.5. (very frustrated on my speaking scores as i missed by .5, else my CLB would have been 9 and CRS would have been 424) at the moment, my CRS stands at 379 and my eligibility score is 70, which means I am eligible for NB province. I have been thinking hard to apply for remarking, but I am not sure if I can get 7. As far as I remember, my speaking test was kinda boring as I got a lame topic. :-\
My NOC code is 2171, and I am into Information Security with 5 years experience. I was always interested with Ontario province since Toronto is the IT hub of Canada, and to be frank, I never thought of checking PNP for NB province until my process consultant asked me to check and told me that I can get PNP from NB province much easier or rather quickly when compared with other provinces. So now, I have laid my eyes on NB, also I have checked the job opportunities for 2171 at NB, and it looks like there are quite a few opportunities which is not bad. Also, I have done quite a bit research on NB, and I am very impressed to be frank.
Now, the real deal is that the 3 priorities that NB has when choosing candidates who apply for EOI (First, Second, Third) I do not see that I can meet the first priority, but can meet the second, if and when there's a session in India about the NB PNP program, and I got to know that as of July 15th 2016, the third priority (Open Category) is stopped. I see that the next session schedule details say that its on August 19th in London!

Not sure why this isn't updated as today is 5th of September ;D Does anybody knows how do we find out the details of these sessions which are conducted word wide apart from this website? :O

and in India?
Finally, are there any guys here whose NOC is 2171 and moved to NB province and currently working there? If yes, could you please share your experiences and advise on how should I approach this.
Would be of great help!