Hi, nurses from all over the world! Thank you for all the infos you are sharing with us thru this forum.
There is a great demand for nurses here in Canada but the whole system of becoming registered here is such a pain in the @**! One look and you'd know there's something wrong with the system!
Anyways, would just like to share with you, guys, my personal NNAS timeline:
June 5: officially filed my application, RN - Saskatchewan (have created my NNAS profile on March, but only made the actual payment on June 5th)
June 19: sent identity docs to NNAS; requested California BON to send my NCLEX-RN test result to NNAS and to fill up Section A of the Registration Form (this was under my own initiative); sent Verification of registration request to the states where I was/am registered (Texas and Colorado); sent all the other forms (Education, Registration, and Employment) to my legal representative in the Philippines.
June 29: Docs from Colorado received by NNAS, status: Waiting for authentication
July 7: identity docs received by NNAS
-- ... became so busy, was not able to check for any updates --
Aug 28: All docs received by NNAS
Sept 11: All docs "Ready for Evaluation"
Sept 28: Added Manitoba as additonal province $55 USD
Oct 1: Added LPN/RPN in SK as additional nursing group $220 USD, and added Manitoba as additional province $55 USD
Even if there ain't instruction to take an English proficiency exam yet, I have registered to write CELBAN on January 2016 before I run out of slots.
I will give you an update once I have received my advisory report.
We can do this, guys! Let's hope that the next Prime Minister (just in case Harper won't win) can make improvements on Express Entry, PNP, and IEN applications!