thefonz22 said:
Hi guys, I was just wondering if anyone had managed to check out it's an online Canadian citizenship preparation course that has chapter tests, final test practices, infographics to help remember the studyguide, as well as supplementary slideshows to help remember all the names, dates etc. I think I'm going to just pay the $29 out of peace of mind. I have gone through all the free stuff but really like that this has supplementary material that they put together to help memorize things. Anyone else tried it?
Let me tell you what happened with us me and my wife!
I personally didnt read the book at all (; i just practiced the online tests and printed them out, they were about 1000 questions
Studied them carefully within ten days .
Passed 16/20
My wife studied the book passed with 19/20 and the officer told me that my wife is very smart and got only one mistake.
Study the book and do practice the online test BUT study them as the question is the answer and the answer is the question! To make sure that you know the correct answer.
there were so many people who failed in the exam its not the same as you see here in this forum that they got 20/20 if its so the officer wouldn't be very happy and told us that she is very happy to see people who care about the result !
Just do so many tests and study the book
You will be fine
Take care