Long Story short, I cancelled my Representative about a month ago and linked the MYCIC account under my name (Sponsor). I attached the Use of Representative form while I was linking my account but found it weird that I had the upload button again in the View Submitted Application section.
In the View Submitted Application section, there's a section labelled Supporting Documents and there is a upload button in the options section; under the document column it states Use of Representative (Required); the details section used to say replacement provided but I decided to upload it again and now it says
Replacement Provided
Uploaded Filename: cancelrepXXXXXXX.pdf
Does this mean it's uploaded?
In the View Submitted Application section, there's a section labelled Supporting Documents and there is a upload button in the options section; under the document column it states Use of Representative (Required); the details section used to say replacement provided but I decided to upload it again and now it says
Replacement Provided
Uploaded Filename: cancelrepXXXXXXX.pdf
Does this mean it's uploaded?