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My landing experience---from London to Toronto


Champion Member
Jun 2, 2009
Job Offer........
Hi Friends & Fellows :D

i am now in Canada. i have landed day before yesterday at Pearson International. i flew from London Gatwick by Air Transat. here is my experience from beginning to end. you are most welcome to ask me any question and i will be more than happy to answer them. ok, here we go:

Few rules and loopholes

- ok, before i start about the pre-landing & landing experience, there is one very important note about the money u take out from the UK. the Customs rule in the UK orders whoever leaving UK and going outside the EU to declare any cash taken by a single person to be declared in a form if carrying more than 10,000 Euro (please note this is not GBP but this is EURO). make sure u declare this amount, otherwise if the Customs in the UK ports find u without this form they might penalize u and make some hassle. the form (Form C9011) is in the following link:


however, if u want to avoid filling this form, u can take the money in ur debit card (debit card money doe not need to be declared). or if u think that u r permanently going out of the UK and has already closed all ur bank accounts in the UK, u can take the Prepaid Travelex Cash Passport Card. In this card u can take any amount u like and u don't have to declare with customs. the good thing about this card is u can withdraw the cash once u r in Canada from any cashpoint and u can withdraw up to 3,000 C$ in one day. the link is below, however u can call Travelex for any query:


- another thing is that if u r unfortunate like me (where u have to carry lots of luggage like me), u can use a courier to send ur goods to Canada (may be one or two days before ur flight) to ur relative/ friend's address. it takes only 1 day for the goods to go to Canada from UK and they r cheap compared to all the hassle u will suffer at Air Transat's desk for over luggage. now, u can send as many cloths and books (in our case we had lots of study books as we r thinking about getting a Canadian degree) to Canada and they r tax free for new immigrants. u can see the following link and contact them to send the parcel to Canada. they charges 3.70 GBP per kg:



-now, our flight was at 9am. Gatwick Airport was far from the place we lived. hired a cab to go to the airport at 5 in the morning. reached to Gatwick at 6am.

-it was only me & my wife. but as u all know, when u r a family (as opposed to being single), the luggage weight goes through the roof. we had altogether 100 kg between two of us---that's 7 year's of family life in the UK. but Air Transat follows strict luggage policy. no matter how much u request or cry they won't consider anything. their luggage allowance was 20 kg per person for main luggage and 5 kg per person for hand luggage. so, we were only allowed 50 kg for two of us. let me tell u this (in case u don't know) Air Transat charges 11GBP per extra kg of luggage. what i did was a bit of cheating but i had no other way but to take those little things that we thought we will need in Canada and we will feel the pain of spending valuable savings for little things when in Canada we won't have any jobs for first few months. we had 2 of our friends came to see us off. the Air Transat Check in Staffs asked us to reduce the luggage weight by 50kg. i asked my friend to stay out of sight of the Air Transat staffs. our hand luggage was big enough to fit in those little but weighty things. we said ''sorry'' to Air Transat and also told them that we will reduce the weight. took all the stuffs out of the luggage, literally made the main luggage 40 kg for two of us, made the hand luggage 5 kg each, left the extra things with our friends and got the luggages checked in by Air Transat. as u all know, they took our main luggage out of our sight but they always let u hold on to ur hand luggage. we came back to our friends who were waiting with our left stuffs. put them back in to our hand luggage (as i told before the hand luggage was spacious enough). by the time we finish with the luggage problem, it was already 7:50.

-said ''good bye'' to our friends. went to Gate for the boarding and there was no problem with our excess weighted hand luggage :) . the plane was not that big but the in flight condition was nice and clean.

-Air Transat's in flight entertainment system and food was really good. the crews were really understanding and helpful. the flight was for around 8 hours.

- if u r flying from UK, just before ur flight reaches the sight of Canadian borders, the Captain will draw ur attention to view Greenland. make sure u see that coz it's lovely---a whole island covered in snow all over it----when u see it, u will feel different.

- before the landing, the crews will hand u over the Customs Declaration card for Canadian Customs (CBSA). make sure u fill this card and keep it unfolded.


- now, here is the easiest and loveliest part---The Landing Experience.

- Our flight touched the Canadian Soil around 5:30 in the afternoon. just before the landing, we had few snow flakes falling down---it was lovely.

- compared to Heathrow or Gatwick, we felt Pearson was a bit quiter (but hey, who cares).

- we came out of the air craft. the passage towards the Immigration and Customs were very clean, tidy and again very very quite. When u will walk thought this passage u will get a feeling that Canada is really a country built by immigrants. u won't see many white Canadians in the airport passage.

- we walked for about 10 minutes to reach the first border control desk. well, it was no hassle. the person at the desk asked us for the Customs Declaration Card given to us in the flight. we handed it over to her. She asked us if we r coming to Canada for the 1st time and as immigrants. we replied ''yes''. she said ''welcome to Canada'' with a very big :D

- then she pointed us to the Immigration room which was literally behind her. we went to that room with 7/8 visa officers serving . we went to the visa officer and submitted our COPR forms. please ensure u have got the correct Canadian Address to give to the officer. and also, ensure u do not sign the COPR form before u hand it to the officer. visa officer was really friendly. she asked us about the Canadian address and who was the principal applicant. no question about the funds yet!!!! and no more questions---all quiet. after 5 minutes she told us that everything is done and she welcomed us to Canada! she pointed us to the welcome desk for new immigrants which was attached with the visa section. one important thing, here the visa officer will give u the copy of ur COPR form---make sure u keep this copy safe as ur passports as when go inside Canada and start applying for bank accounts, job, SIN (Social Insurance Number), u will need ur passport and ur COPR copy. without this copy u will face real hardships.

- we went to the welcome desks. the 1st person there welcomed us again to Canada and told us where to find information for new immigrants and then pointed us to the 2nd desk. the person there welcomeds us really cordially to Canada and gave us lots of books and leaflets about Canada, new immigrants, Govt. services. she gave a brand new bag (lot like a ladies bag when u go outside) to keep all those paperworks. Oh, one important thing she told us---when u r in Canada u can dial 211 from ur cell or from any phine to reach services for new immigrants and it's totally free!! i have used this service once after entering Canada and I can tell u they r really friendly.

- after that, we went to luggage area to collect all our luggages. after that just before we were about to exit the luggage area a Customs employee asked us to go though the tunnel where Customs check the luggage for taxes. we were really scared and was thinking that we might have to pay for the CDs and TV that we just brought with us. but we were totally wrong. no hassle here as well. the Customs officer just asked us whether we were new immigrants and were coming for the 1st time to Canada. we said ''yes''. he said ''welcome to Canada'' (we were really surprised to see those people greeting us with real welcome smile in their face---what a lovely place to come). now, here the Customs officer asked us if we had any money with us and this is the 1st time that anyone asked us about the funds. we said how much money we were carrying. also, he asked us if we have sent any goods or if there are any goods to follow. we saiud ''yes'' , we also asked if there were any forms to fill in but he said ''no''. he just asked us when we were expecting the goods. we said ''tomorrow'' . he just took our copy of the COPR form that the visa office returned to us as Proof of Landing. then he told us that we were free to go. no question about jewellery as well. no tax and no silly questions at all.

-we walked through the passage and saw our relatives waiting for us. not only that the beautiful, most welcoming, most wealthy, most friendly, most prosperous, most promising and most of all our new found land was waiting for us.

this is it!!!!! this is Canada!!!! our (may be within a few weeks/ months time it will be yours as well) Canada!!!!


Hero Member
Jun 15, 2010
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
DONE :-)

At Last You Have Made It. Wish You Best of Luck for your New Life.

shibleebd said:
Hi Friends & Fellows :D

i am now in Canada. i have landed day before yesterday at Pearson International. i flew from London Gatwick by Air Transat. here is my experience from beginning to end. you are most welcome to ask me any question and i will be more than happy to answer them. ok, here we go:
this is it!!!!! this is Canada!!!! our (may be within a few weeks/ months time it will be yours as well) Canada!!!!


Hero Member
Oct 17, 2010
Job Offer........
shibleebd said:
Hi Friends & Fellows :D

i am now in Canada. i have landed day before yesterday at Pearson International. i flew from London Gatwick by Air Transat. here is my experience from beginning to end. you are most welcome to ask me any question and i will be more than happy to answer them. ok, here we go:

Few rules and loopholes

- ok, before i start about the pre-landing & landing experience, there is one very important note about the money u take out from the UK. the Customs rule in the UK orders whoever leaving UK and going outside the EU to declare any cash taken by a single person to be declared in a form if carrying more than 10,000 Euro (please note this is not GBP but this is EURO). make sure u declare this amount, otherwise if the Customs in the UK ports find u without this form they might penalize u and make some hassle. the form (Form C9011) is in the following link:


however, if u want to avoid filling this form, u can take the money in ur debit card (debit card money doe not need to be declared). or if u think that u r permanently going out of the UK and has already closed all ur bank accounts in the UK, u can take the Prepaid Travelex Cash Passport Card. In this card u can take any amount u like and u don't have to declare with customs. the good thing about this card is u can withdraw the cash once u r in Canada from any cashpoint and u can withdraw up to 3,000 C$ in one day. the link is below, however u can call Travelex for any query:


- another thing is that if u r unfortunate like me (where u have to carry lots of luggage like me), u can use a courier to send ur goods to Canada (may be one or two days before ur flight) to ur relative/ friend's address. it takes only 1 day for the goods to go to Canada from UK and they r cheap compared to all the hassle u will suffer at Air Transat's desk for over luggage. now, u can send as many cloths and books (in our case we had lots of study books as we r thinking about getting a Canadian degree) to Canada and they r tax free for new immigrants. u can see the following link and contact them to send the parcel to Canada. they charges 3.70 GBP per kg:



-now, our flight was at 9am. Gatwick Airport was far from the place we lived. hired a cab to go to the airport at 5 in the morning. reached to Gatwick at 6am.

-it was only me & my wife. but as u all know, when u r a family (as opposed to being single), the luggage weight goes through the roof. we had altogether 100 kg between two of us---that's 7 year's of family life in the UK. but Air Transat follows strict luggage policy. no matter how much u request or cry they won't consider anything. their luggage allowance was 20 kg per person for main luggage and 5 kg per person for hand luggage. so, we were only allowed 50 kg for two of us. let me tell u this (in case u don't know) Air Transat charges 11GBP per extra kg of luggage. what i did was a bit of cheating but i had no other way but to take those little things that we thought we will need in Canada and we will feel the pain of spending valuable savings for little things when in Canada we won't have any jobs for first few months. we had 2 of our friends came to see us off. the Air Transat Check in Staffs asked us to reduce the luggage weight by 50kg. i asked my friend to stay out of sight of the Air Transat staffs. our hand luggage was big enough to fit in those little but weighty things. we said ''sorry'' to Air Transat and also told them that we will reduce the weight. took all the stuffs out of the luggage, literally made the main luggage 40 kg for two of us, made the hand luggage 5 kg each, left the extra things with our friends and got the luggages checked in by Air Transat. as u all know, they took our main luggage out of our sight but they always let u hold on to ur hand luggage. we came back to our friends who were waiting with our left stuffs. put them back in to our hand luggage (as i told before the hand luggage was spacious enough). by the time we finish with the luggage problem, it was already 7:50.

-said ''good bye'' to our friends. went to Gate for the boarding and there was no problem with our excess weighted hand luggage :) . the plane was not that big but the in flight condition was nice and clean.

-Air Transat's in flight entertainment system and food was really good. the crews were really understanding and helpful. the flight was for around 8 hours.

- if u r flying from UK, just before ur flight reaches the sight of Canadian borders, the Captain will draw ur attention to view Greenland. make sure u see that coz it's lovely---a whole island covered in snow all over it----when u see it, u will feel different.

- before the landing, the crews will hand u over the Customs Declaration card for Canadian Customs (CBSA). make sure u fill this card and keep it unfolded.


- now, here is the easiest and loveliest part---The Landing Experience.

- Our flight touched the Canadian Soil around 5:30 in the afternoon. just before the landing, we had few snow flakes falling down---it was lovely.

- compared to Heathrow or Gatwick, we felt Pearson was a bit quiter (but hey, who cares).

- we came out of the air craft. the passage towards the Immigration and Customs were very clean, tidy and again very very quite. When u will walk thought this passage u will get a feeling that Canada is really a country built by immigrants. u won't see many white Canadians in the airport passage.

- we walked for about 10 minutes to reach the first border control desk. well, it was no hassle. the person at the desk asked us for the Customs Declaration Card given to us in the flight. we handed it over to her. She asked us if we r coming to Canada for the 1st time and as immigrants. we replied ''yes''. she said ''welcome to Canada'' with a very big :D

- then she pointed us to the Immigration room which was literally behind her. we went to that room with 7/8 visa officers serving . we went to the visa officer and submitted our COPR forms. please ensure u have got the correct Canadian Address to give to the officer. and also, ensure u do not sign the COPR form before u hand it to the officer. visa officer was really friendly. she asked us about the Canadian address and who was the principal applicant. no question about the funds yet!!!! and no more questions---all quiet. after 5 minutes she told us that everything is done and she welcomed us to Canada! she pointed us to the welcome desk for new immigrants which was attached with the visa section. one important thing, here the visa officer will give u the copy of ur COPR form---make sure u keep this copy safe as ur passports as when go inside Canada and start applying for bank accounts, job, SIN (Social Insurance Number), u will need ur passport and ur COPR copy. without this copy u will face real hardships.

- we went to the welcome desks. the 1st person there welcomed us again to Canada and told us where to find information for new immigrants and then pointed us to the 2nd desk. the person there welcomeds us really cordially to Canada and gave us lots of books and leaflets about Canada, new immigrants, Govt. services. she gave a brand new bag (lot like a ladies bag when u go outside) to keep all those paperworks. Oh, one important thing she told us---when u r in Canada u can dial 211 from ur cell or from any phine to reach services for new immigrants and it's totally free!! i have used this service once after entering Canada and I can tell u they r really friendly.

- after that, we went to luggage area to collect all our luggages. after that just before we were about to exit the luggage area a Customs employee asked us to go though the tunnel where Customs check the luggage for taxes. we were really scared and was thinking that we might have to pay for the CDs and TV that we just brought with us. but we were totally wrong. no hassle here as well. the Customs officer just asked us whether we were new immigrants and were coming for the 1st time to Canada. we said ''yes''. he said ''welcome to Canada'' (we were really surprised to see those people greeting us with real welcome smile in their face---what a lovely place to come). now, here the Customs officer asked us if we had any money with us and this is the 1st time that anyone asked us about the funds. we said how much money we were carrying. also, he asked us if we have sent any goods or if there are any goods to follow. we saiud ''yes'' , we also asked if there were any forms to fill in but he said ''no''. he just asked us when we were expecting the goods. we said ''tomorrow'' . he just took our copy of the COPR form that the visa office returned to us as Proof of Landing. then he told us that we were free to go. no question about jewellery as well. no tax and no silly questions at all.

-we walked through the passage and saw our relatives waiting for us. not only that the beautiful, most welcoming, most wealthy, most friendly, most prosperous, most promising and most of all our new found land was waiting for us.

this is it!!!!! this is Canada!!!! our (may be within a few weeks/ months time it will be yours as well) Canada!!!!
Thanks dear, really i am happy after reading your quote. Insallah I am going to land in Toronto on 2nd May, 2011. If you have any suggestions please provide it to me which would be better for me as a new comer in Canada. Take care.


Champion Member
Jan 17, 2011
Visa Office......
Oct 2011
Thanks truly for taking the time and effort for sharing your experience.

Good luck,


Champion Member
Jul 7, 2009
Job Offer........
Congratulations mate.

Very detailed and informative report of your landing experience. Wish you the best of luck in your new home.


Hero Member
Feb 27, 2011
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
Submitted with application
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
Submitted with application 7.5 Band
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
this is it!!!!! this is Canada!!!! our (may be within a few weeks/ months time it will be yours as well) Canada!!!!

I LOVE THE ABOVE STATEMENT. Looks like we are out of the tensions of this WORLD........



Hero Member
Nov 19, 2009
Job Offer........
July 2011
Hi Shibleebd

Excellent post!

Very informative!

Thank you very.. very much for that.

I have a question- Which airline did you select? Since you had a problem with your extra baggage, you could have selected an airline which could you allow you to carry @ 2x50Pounds each(2x23kg each) plus 7 kg. hand luggage. For example Air India, Jet and many other middle-east based airlines allow you to carry 2x50pound per person plus 7kg hand luggage. We can check baggage policy of each airline online and look for a fair deal.

Btw, it was very exciting to read ur post.

Wish you all the best in Canada.



VIP Member
Mar 22, 2010
I haven't followed much of your journey from application to landing, so don't feel I know you very well, but I can say I had goosebumps as I read your description of coming to Canada. I am glad you had such a warm welcome - it made me proud to be a Canadian as I read that. I hope you continue to fulfill your dreams in your new HOME and that all your trials and tribulations will be little ones. Congratulations on a successful journey. (Am still trying to figure out how you managed to carry 25 kg in each of your carry on bags without looking like you were, LOL!)


Champion Member
Sep 11, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
19-01-2011 - Passport sent on 22-01-2011
19th May 2011- Thanks to Almighty!
Excellent post! :)

All the best dear for your bright future.



Champion Member
Apr 7, 2010
Job Offer........
Congrats on making your land Shibleebd. Thanks for sharing with such a vivid way to make us feel accompanying you all the way... Keep us posted of your further experiences in Canada when you find time. All the very best


Hero Member
Mar 24, 2009
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
10-03-2010 - CC Charged on 16 June 2010
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
05-08-2010 Band 7
File Transfer...
TO PARIS OFFICE 27-02-2013
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
22 May 2014
2 June 2014
17 Aug 2014
excellent post - thanks bro.


Hero Member
Jul 28, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
13-10-2010 to LA(in-process 19-04-2011)Rejection letter on 7 June2011
Hi Shibleebd,Congratulations for landing in ur Dream land! Your writing reveals how happy & excited you are,I wish&pray this happiness continues with rest of ur journey.Enjoyed reading ur vivid landing experience and I didnt want the story to end :D

Pippin,even I was wondering about the 25 kg per carry on bags! :D :D :D

Pippin said:
I haven't followed much of your journey from application to landing, so don't feel I know you very well, but I can say I had goosebumps as I read your description of coming to Canada. I am glad you had such a warm welcome - it made me proud to be a Canadian as I read that. I hope you continue to fulfill your dreams in your new HOME and that all your trials and tribulations will be little ones. Congratulations on a successful journey. (Am still trying to figure out how you managed to carry 25 kg in each of your carry on bags without looking like you were, LOL!)