About journey and timeline : I arrived in Canada as skill worker 2013 December, 2014 July I applied for my nomination SINP, 2014 September I applied for my PR, 2015 December I did landing by border and become PR, 2018 February I applied my Citizenship, 2018 July I did my test and interview and finally 2018 August 14 my dream comes true BECOME CANADIAN CITIZEN.
I am from very middle class family, I tired to do hard work with honesty , I trust honestly and hardworking can make possible in any sector. It can be job it can be immigration it can be anything.
I wish all the people in this forum or not in forum will be citizen today or tomorrow or one day.
If any one have any question regarding citizenship application please let me know I will do my best from my limitation.
Canada is a country where we can live safe secure and with equal rights , it is great country to raised children with quality education and lifestyle with great career.
Many thanks this forum I learned many things about Canadian Immigration from here
Interview: My interview and test was so smooth , I got 19 correct from 20 . I study few times book and online test. Mosley i focused online test. The officer took my interview I should say she is very polite person I feel lucky for that. All she asked basic question ( example : when i came Canada . What visa . How i get PR. Where I do work. Any police issue. About my family etc ect.