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My girl friend is a single mom


Full Member
Aug 25, 2012
Hey guys, I m going to India in may to marry my gf and sponsor her and her kid,she is a single mom.hope it doesn't affect the sponsorship.guys any suggestions,I don't want anything to go wrong,please suggest if any of you have sponsored single mom or single dad.please reply


VIP Member
Nov 6, 2009
Visa Office......
Accra, Ghana
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Are you of Indian origin? And was the marriage arranged?

The best thing to do when there is a stepchild involved is to be sure the stepparent knows as much as possible about the child and gets along well with him or her (if possible). The visa officer will ask about how you get along with the applicant's child at any interview. it is best to include a lot of evidence with the application that you have a relationship with the child.


Full Member
Aug 25, 2012
Yes I m of Indian origin,n the marriage was not arranged.whenever I talk to my gf,I always make sure that I also talk to her son and somehow believe it or not,he kind of knows who I am.thats not a problem,but inmycase,what would be the best evidence for our relationship.we won't be giving a big reception like others,a small one with few friends and family members ony.thanks


Star Member
Feb 12, 2012
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Jul-19-2012 and July 24, 2013
Doc's Request.
Note: Dependent had to be re-applied for in July 2013. Doc request on Sep-19-2013
Second PPR Sep-19-2013
AOR Received.
DM1 Aug-28-2012/DM 1 Aug 21-2013
Med's Done....
Feb 2012, repeat X-rays requested April 30, 2013. Complete new Medical July 2013
Passport Req..
Nov-22-2012 and second time on Sep 19-2013
May-29-2013 Decision Made on e-cas (DM2), and second time on January 14, 2013 June 7, 2013 COPR received, June 10,2013 COPR Returned to VO for correction, June 23, 2013 COPR received back, no correction made. Second COPR received January 23, 2014
Landed July 5, 2013 (Spouse); Flagpole Landing for Dependent on Mar 14, 2014 PR Card Received Aug 1, 2014

First of all, best of luck to you. I was in a similar situation, although an older step-child, and not from India. One thing of importance to understand and to investigate more. When you sponsor your wife (to-be) you both will want her child to be included as a dependent and come to Canada also. Right? The Canadian immigration rules however require, at least for some countries, that for a minor child (under 18 years old) to immigrate to Canada, the permission of both parents must be given. That's right, both. For China the permission is required in the form IMM 5604.

You need to become familiar with the country-specific requirements for India on the CIC website. I had a quick look and did not see the IMM 5604 form referenced for India. However, Canada applies it's own strict rules on parental rights to it's immigration policy, so I would be surprised if something similar is not required for India dependents under 18 years old.

On the IMM 5604 form you must be able to get the signature of the birth father on the form to state he has no objections to the child immigrating, understands he may be permanently separated from his child and if trying to immigrate himself, must comply with all requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.

Possible exceptions:
- the birth father is deceased
- the birth father's whereabouts are not known and he cannot be located (assuming an extensive search)
- IF (and I am not sure if this is an exception or not) your wife (to-be) is the only legal guardian of the child. This would need to proven of course by court documents. However, I am not sure this will work for applications from India or not, particularly if the child was a result of a previous marriage or conjugal relationship.

When you say your gf is a single mom - what does that mean regarding her past relationship with the father (divorced, separated, child-out-of-wedlock ?)

Again, you may be lucky and may not need to get this type of form IMM 5604 signed. However, you need to become fully informed on the CIC requirements for India. I suggest reading the CIC website pages specific to Indian spousal/family immigration. If the requirements are not clear to you by then, then call the CIC contact phone line and talk to an information agent directly (you need to be in Canada to do this).

Best of luck, there is a lot for you to work out and a long road ahead.
Love will prevail.


Star Member
Feb 12, 2012
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Jul-19-2012 and July 24, 2013
Doc's Request.
Note: Dependent had to be re-applied for in July 2013. Doc request on Sep-19-2013
Second PPR Sep-19-2013
AOR Received.
DM1 Aug-28-2012/DM 1 Aug 21-2013
Med's Done....
Feb 2012, repeat X-rays requested April 30, 2013. Complete new Medical July 2013
Passport Req..
Nov-22-2012 and second time on Sep 19-2013
May-29-2013 Decision Made on e-cas (DM2), and second time on January 14, 2013 June 7, 2013 COPR received, June 10,2013 COPR Returned to VO for correction, June 23, 2013 COPR received back, no correction made. Second COPR received January 23, 2014
Landed July 5, 2013 (Spouse); Flagpole Landing for Dependent on Mar 14, 2014 PR Card Received Aug 1, 2014
One more note which may be of help:

From the CIC website Country Specific Instructions for India, Bhutan and Nepal:

Children's Information Appendix A-3

"If you are divorced or separated, you must include proof that you have custody of the
children, that you have fulfilled all obligations in custody agreements, and that the children
are able to move to Canada."


Full Member
Aug 25, 2012
Thanks a lot Flash G for your time and your kind information.yes my gf would be wife is separated from her bf,they never got married,have a2year old kid,she already took a affidavit from the father of the child that he has no business and has given full custody to the mother,it has been countersigned by the oath commissioner,and now my gf is not in touch with the father of the child and don't know his where abouts.
I want to sponsor my step daughter as well,as I love my gf and her daughter both....

Till now my gf has been looking after her kid ever she was born,and the father has got nothing to do.please share your ideas with me flash G


Star Member
Feb 12, 2012
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Jul-19-2012 and July 24, 2013
Doc's Request.
Note: Dependent had to be re-applied for in July 2013. Doc request on Sep-19-2013
Second PPR Sep-19-2013
AOR Received.
DM1 Aug-28-2012/DM 1 Aug 21-2013
Med's Done....
Feb 2012, repeat X-rays requested April 30, 2013. Complete new Medical July 2013
Passport Req..
Nov-22-2012 and second time on Sep 19-2013
May-29-2013 Decision Made on e-cas (DM2), and second time on January 14, 2013 June 7, 2013 COPR received, June 10,2013 COPR Returned to VO for correction, June 23, 2013 COPR received back, no correction made. Second COPR received January 23, 2014
Landed July 5, 2013 (Spouse); Flagpole Landing for Dependent on Mar 14, 2014 PR Card Received Aug 1, 2014
Hi karrann,

Don't worry! :)

It sounds like your gf may already have the legal proof of custody of children necessary for Canadian Immigration. However, do read everything about the requirements for India on the CIC website. Her child needs to be included on her application form as a Dependent and would also need to have a medical examination, as she does.

There is a specific forum thread here on this website for New Delhi applicants, you may want to check this out also for information.

All the best to you!


Star Member
Feb 12, 2012
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Jul-19-2012 and July 24, 2013
Doc's Request.
Note: Dependent had to be re-applied for in July 2013. Doc request on Sep-19-2013
Second PPR Sep-19-2013
AOR Received.
DM1 Aug-28-2012/DM 1 Aug 21-2013
Med's Done....
Feb 2012, repeat X-rays requested April 30, 2013. Complete new Medical July 2013
Passport Req..
Nov-22-2012 and second time on Sep 19-2013
May-29-2013 Decision Made on e-cas (DM2), and second time on January 14, 2013 June 7, 2013 COPR received, June 10,2013 COPR Returned to VO for correction, June 23, 2013 COPR received back, no correction made. Second COPR received January 23, 2014
Landed July 5, 2013 (Spouse); Flagpole Landing for Dependent on Mar 14, 2014 PR Card Received Aug 1, 2014

Just noticed a few things in your postings you need to clear up:

1. Re: My girl friend is a single mom
March 17, 2013, 08:07:02 am
"my gf would be wife is separated from her bf,they never got married,have a 2 year old kid"

2. March 07, 2013, 03:45:16 am
"am going to India in summer to marry my gf who is a single parent of three year old kid"

Seems odd here, you had better be clear on the age of your step-child with Immigration

3. August 25, 2012, 12:43:44 pm
"i am planning to sponsor both but will there be any obstacle..Its my first wedding and am a candian citizen"

4. March 12, 2013, 09:59:47 am
"I wanted to ask that recently I got divorced from my wife and now I wish to sponsor my girlfriend from India."

Again, this is odd, what's going on? First marriage or second, divorced or not?

These kind of things are untenable for immigration. Why all the discrepancies? You must be completely honest, accurate and above board. In addition, you should not expect help on this forum unless you are similarly completely honest.


Full Member
Aug 25, 2012
Hey@flash G ,Sorry the age of the kid is 2 years old,and my gf never got married to her bf,she is a single mom.regarding my case I was married but got divorced last month from my ex wife.i got a divorce certificate too.so do you still think its complicated flash g?help me


Star Member
Feb 12, 2012
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Jul-19-2012 and July 24, 2013
Doc's Request.
Note: Dependent had to be re-applied for in July 2013. Doc request on Sep-19-2013
Second PPR Sep-19-2013
AOR Received.
DM1 Aug-28-2012/DM 1 Aug 21-2013
Med's Done....
Feb 2012, repeat X-rays requested April 30, 2013. Complete new Medical July 2013
Passport Req..
Nov-22-2012 and second time on Sep 19-2013
May-29-2013 Decision Made on e-cas (DM2), and second time on January 14, 2013 June 7, 2013 COPR received, June 10,2013 COPR Returned to VO for correction, June 23, 2013 COPR received back, no correction made. Second COPR received January 23, 2014
Landed July 5, 2013 (Spouse); Flagpole Landing for Dependent on Mar 14, 2014 PR Card Received Aug 1, 2014

Don't worry. Not too complicated at all. Many people have much more complicated situations. If you love each other truly - go for it ! If it's your karma, this will help you through the long(ish) process to come. It is not easy with all the paperwork and maintaining a long-distance relationship. Visit her as often as you can.

Sorry for berating you, but for your own benefit do try and be really consistent, accurate and go exactly by the rules laid out by CIC.



VIP Member
Nov 6, 2009
Visa Office......
Accra, Ghana
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Since it is not an arranged marriage, you will need a lot of proof of your relationship and how it developed before the wedding.
Do yourself a favor and make the marriage as traditional as appropriate. Document everything, including the number of guests. If possible, I would have some kind of official guest list and photos showing that number of people. The New Delhi visa office is picky about weddings. (However, if in your culture it is not appropriate for a single mother to have a big wedding, don't do it - but you will then have to explain.)