I am back in the Netherlands for your information all.
I have not started to look for a job yet and guess what, the recruiters call me all the time, in all the hassle to settle in, I am asked to go there and there, visit this, that and all pay very well, unemployment the lowest across EU and the fun part is that unlike in Canada that nobody is interested in who you are, what your qualifactions are bla bla bla and only ask you silly questions, here, you go and sit, they bring you coffee and tea, have a great chat, laughter and all excited to hear about my experiences, one of my job interviews, just had 3 in total so far, as I not even have started but all through/via ONE recruiter only so far and it is one of the largest IT companies worldwide with offices in Toronto and Vancouver too, we had like 2 hours of a conversation and I was also been given a free lunch so we could chat further from there and it was so fun.
IF I get the job, I don't know, but I was supposed to go to the second interview today but I couldn't so I have to wait for a new schedule. They call you today, you will be in the interview tomorrow and in a week you will hear if you are hired or not!
Guess what, one of the companies in Toronto where I had a job interview and never heard anything from them although I 've been following up on them, has sent me an email yesterday to let me know I was not selected and you know what is more funny?
I had the job interview like 3 months ago!!!! ... Are you kidding me? do they really think I will wait for 3 months to hear if I am hired or not? Who are these people?
For all your information people, I have no regrets that I went to Canada and through such misery there, I learned a lot and I now really appreciate the great happy life here so much.
There is really nothing to worry about here and no wonder the Dutch are ranked among the happiest people on this planet. Everybody is happy, beautiful efficient modern nice cars everywhere, big nice homes everywhere, TREMENDOUS AMOUNT OF flowers really truly EVERYWHERE you look and real grass, trees, blossoms and 15 to 16 Celcius everyday and sunny. I got my bike back from the bikeshop and been biking with my Doggy on the back seat (special doggy seat) all around town, enjoying the beautiful medieval Cathedrals, churches, palaces, forests and nice homes, lawns all nicely done and it is really such pleasure and fun to be here and everybody greets each other.
I was in Amsterdam 2 days ago and it was so much fun there ... so clean, although busy for sure, but so well arranged and organized and people are all happy or seem to be happy.
I took subway and gosh, what a DIFFERENCE!!! I could seat on a real leather chair and among people who are all nicely dressed and pretty chic and all during the day, nobody who cares about brand names etc, but we all wear the good high quality European stuff! .. it is the person who counts, not the "package".
I took the train a few times, it is like a refreshment, the trains that we use like busses here, are true luxuary by comparison!
And the more fun thing for you all to know: WE ALREADY HAVE ELECTRIC LUXUARY COMFY BUSSES! ... yep! busses that make no noise and are 100% clean!
And daphodils, tulips, hycinths, all is growing everywhere, but nicely arranged around town and roads are so clean, no hubble, no cracks, no holes, you can really enjoy life here and oh one more thing, my house, it is So big now! ...I can take 25 steps to walk from one side of my living room to the other side!!!
And take the staircases to go to the bedrooms, 4 of them, spread over 3 stories with an attic with a lovely view over the village and every morning I wake up to the lovely sound of the church bells and we have the village's shopping street (traffic free, all year round) where there is local cheese, veggi, meat, all you need and people are nice, quiet, no body is rushing to anywhere and I can buy local products that smell like fruits, vegetables, cheese, milk ... I broke a few teeth while in Canada and the dentist told me here that it is due to lack of "good" "real" Calcium!!!
No wonder ... as if Dairy Products in Canada, or at least in Toronto, are real!!! don't know what they put in them, but it ain't be cheese!
I don't know people, but you better get your ass to a real place to live like here if you would or could, but skip Canada!!!
You ll be always welcome here... and gosh I wish there would be a Korean restaurant, a Japanese and an Indian and a Lebanese here and my lovely friends in Toronto too... then the picture will be perfect! simply perfect.
I miss them ...
Toronto may not be a good place to live, chaotic, eye messy and not really clean and busy, always busy, and job wise, truly akward and really inhumane the way they recruit etc, ... but the people?! you can make real good friends there.
Here, people live on such an extended level of luxuary and have good jobs, that nobody needs to network and make friends, so they become passive in that regard!
See? nowhere is a like a paradise, but at least I personally feel much better here.
Going to eat my dinner, a real Fish and Chips! ... Fish is cought this morning in the lake nearby and I know the owner, local cafe and the chips are really chips! ..
