Thank you James Bond ...
A whole lot more is happening and has been happening ever since my last post and so difficult to keep up with the fast pace.
But am on a good way to make it here and live within my own means and enjoy a quiet cosy downsized life here starting afresh.
I am all set with my Scotia Bank and with their excellent customer service and CIBC wasn't that happy to see me "go with the wind"!
Just today got my very first bank account statement in mailbox so I can go and apply for my health card pretty late but that all due to this stupid CIBC officer and their really poor poor service so I could do this like 2 months ago!
I cracked a tooth the other day and went to dentist, pretty expensive but still not as expensive as in the Netherlands, plus the fact that the dentist here is really making a good work of it and unlike my own for years back there, was just telling me to take it easy while obviously I 've been suffering hair thin fractures on the surface of the tooth and in time, just like that, it broke off a big chunk of it!
All the previous dentists in NL had to do, was to replace the filling, but they didn't and all told me to brush it better and charged me for 100 euro's each time.
Now I pay like 600$ in total for a job that could be done for less long time ago. Can't complain though, at least this dentist is now doing it the right way and offering me excellent service.
Regarding Jobs:
I went to this recreuitment agency called Randstad and got me one of their business cards. I fixed up my resumé and sent it to them and got an automatically forwarded reply back telling me they will look into it and contact me within 2 to 3 business days and if not so, I better know that they can't help me.
But, luckily in 10 minutes I was called back and they set up a meeting with their recruitment agent as to discuss my opportunities during a professional interview and am also asked to wear a business suit and be dressed accordingly, so I 'd to go and buy me a suit too. Just go to GAP in case you need to do the same where you can buy a good suit for reasonable prices and a high quality too, really my fave there.
I also visited Canada volunteer website and applied for a few volunteering options. One has invited me to their special event next week during which they cna select their future prospects and candidates. Volunteering is a big plus here and you should really do that.
when you apply for any job here, they want to see if you are really who you are and do mention or just " fake" , so doing volunteer work means you are active and do care and that is a big plus.
Lots of volunteering opportunities but you should be also really flexibel in that what you can do and look for.
My best advice is to put aside all your greed and expectations and go with the flow, those who can't make it here in Canada or can only complain are people who are only after big money and fast too, who want to make it in a year or two, consider this as a disney land and mistake it with a country that is waiting for them to enter so to do the job for them, while there are plenty of other highly qualified people here who can too do the job and so nobody is waiting for nobody.
Know this and be prepared and really use every little bit of your resources, if you want to succeed, use your creativity and to begin with it,
First and most importantly, discover yourself.
Don't be shy, but go for it,
Don't be jealous, but get rich,
Don't be a victim, but a shark yourself,
Dont' be silent, but talk!
Don't be greedy, but moderate and take your time. Be patient.
When you come to Canada it isn't about "big money" but it should be about " starting afresh" ... learn from your mistakes and all that you 've been doing all along in your own home and DO NOT REPEAT them here.
Take your time and think about " starting afresh" and what is means.
It doesn't matter what you do and where you go to live and in what condition, just be flexibel and happy, network, smile, be happy and only befriend positive minded people because that is all you really need if you want to get anywhere.
and if you are with your wife, kids, husband, family, ask them all to do the same, team up with your own family, be as a whole and like a big strong positive minded family and set aside all your views and beliefs and take the plunge.
I was just the other day talking to this new immigrant family from India. The man was highly qualified and really super intelligent and high educated working in London, UK for years and making good money there and before that in India studying this and that, now in Toronto and can't find a job at all, because he was only focusing on his own field and nothing less than that and was complaining about life here! and the people!
in the meantime, his wife, living traditionally, was silent and just listening and doing not much than just following him and have him do it all and take care of all things necessary to be done.
I talked to her and gosh, she was such an intelligent mind herself! but sitting at home and looking after their child. I was suprised and told them that this isn't the way to do it.
I told the guy that he should embrace Canada as his new home, sure we speak English here, but this is NOT London, neither New Delhi!
This is Canada, this is Toronto, I told him to allow his wife to dress up a bit, wear pants and a blazer, go after a job, any job, who knows, she can find a job and in the meantime look after them both so he can focus on his own job and field and also father the child, but sitting at home, doing nothing and only complaining about it all, doesn't solve any problem but only adds up to it!
He said yes I am right, but that is his way of life and thinking...well good luck to him I said and left, feeling pitty for the wife and all the money they are spending while they could just make some little money having any job for some time.
It is necessary that one accepts lower profile jobs here and go from there, show the employer your flexibility, your patience and your willingliness to do it and go for it. Otherwise, it is all your own fault believe me.
Tens of people I meet or greet who either are lazy, or don't want to work, or are just obnuxious and oblivious to who they are and simply attract negativeness and sadness and then go and complain to others for their own misery.
Planety of opportunities here for anybody who wants to make it, discover yourself again, you are an engineer? have been doing that all your life? so who cares? go work in a shop and who knows, maybe you 'd be a hell of a good Sales person too? ... maybe you can go and study for Real Esate eh? ...
Just an example ...
think about it, you are not here to live in that same way as you 've been doing before right? .. you are here for a new life, a better one, but first come up with the definition of that new life to yourself and see who you are and what you can do else! then you go from there.
YMCA is a good place to start if you need to receive help fixing up your résumé, sure, but I did it all by myself! why should I/ would I use somebody else when there is Google, internet and I know who I am and what I can do myself right?
Write your own cover letter, be personal, be honest and be uprighteious in that regard and see what they want. Play with them, put yourself in their own shoes and go from there.
All you need to do here, is to have a job, any job, first, show people you are resiliant and determined to make it work for you, it requires time and patience and you should be only networking and be with people who are positive. Ban all those who say " no", " I can't" , I didn't" " I won't" , " I don't" , " I don't care" , I don't know" " I never did" bla bla bla ....
Replace them with yes, I can, yes I did, yes I know, Yes I said so, yes you can, yes you do, yes go will, etc.
And try to socialize with your city and surroundings, lots of meet up groups in this country, in every neighbourhood to go for and be member of and to know, learn and meet/greet.
Take your time, be good ... be positive. All I can say.
I just am settled in, as of yesterday in fact! took me 2 months to really come home and sit and say: ok, now I got it all, now I can cook my own meal, eat and watch TV, sleep in my own bed and wake up tomorrow and say: now I can go look for a job.
Been doing a lot on my own for 2 months, carrying heavy boxes, putting chairs and all together, installing software and printers etc, looking for bargains, looking for people and ask them questions, finding different answers, weighing all of them and see what is the best and really read, examine, search and look up and I am now ok.
Money is a big issue, yes, taxes are high and with too many, but buy/use/consume only that what you need/eat/use. LIVE WITHIN YOUR NEEDS! + Stay POSITIVE + EXPLORE yourself AGAIN! + find your hidden resources.
I wish you all a great day and a happy HALLOWEEN!
Now I am going to look like Cruella de Vil from 1001 Dalmations! or maybe like the devil woman in " Shakespear Sister" video clip from early 90's called "stay" ...
Now I need to party a bit and celebrate my new life.
To be continued...
p.s. subscribe to Manpower, Adecco, Randstad and Kelly Services for sure + Workopolis is really the best source of finding jobs as I notice.
Be PROFESSIONAL = after all, millions of people worldwide only can say" I wish I could" or " I wish I would" or " what if I had done this or that" ... but you know what? you are doing it after all, you are already here and doing it right? ... so please .. be ahead of the curve and go for it. BE resiliant and above all YOURSELF again ..
God bless you all