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My experience obtaining a visitors record (not so scary after all)


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Feb 11, 2014
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Hey guys, I just wanted to share my experience obtaining a visitors record yesterday as our spousal application is being shipped off today! This may help someone who's in a similar situation or help someone gain some insight, but again, everyone's experience is different so this is just mine.

My partner and I (he being Canadian, me being American) have been together for two years now and on October 1st we officially hit the one year mark for common-law :) We've been working on and gathering everything for our outland application since April and I couldn't be more thrilled to finally be able to ship it off today. This forum has been the biggest help.

Let me start with the fact that we live on borer cities so I was crossing near every day, staying every night and on weekends. I did it for a year with nexus and although I didn't get turned away once I do not suggest doing this, you can get turned around along with many other consequences. After consulting with numerous people, friends who work at the border and a immigration lawyer, we were told to ask for a visitors record after we pay our fees and have our application ready. I was very weary of asking for one after reading some stories on here but I went with my gut and listened to the advice given to us.

We crossed yesterday to get dinner in the states with our printed receipt and our application in hand. When we crossed back we got a younger and very pleasant officer at the booth, I was being my very nervous usual self because that's how I am when dealing with this type of stuff, but Adam (my partner) kept me somewhat level headed, was so at ease and explained to him our situation. Turns out the officer knew our buddy who works at the border as well and was more than happy to send us in to secondary to get a VR.

As I clutched my partners hand and our application in the other we entered a very quiet and dead secondary. It was an older lady who called us up and was rather grating at first. She read the yellow slip the booth officer had given us and asked to see the receipt and both of our passports. She took a look at the things we gave her and asked what way we were going about our application, we told her common-law, and well...that was it! Didn't ask to see our application or any other documents. She then told us to take a seat and that she will fill out the paperwork and issue me the VR! *Note: She did ask the address where I will be living for the VR and if I will be crossing every day, I told her yes and my partner gave her the address, and that was that!

It took all of about fifteen minutes and when she called me back up she had the paper stapled in my passport and the stamp in my visa section. She then explained to me the conditions and everything I needed to know about having a visitors record. The first thing she told me was that this allowed me to live in Canada while we wait for our PR application to process and go through. Wait..what? :eek: I had to ask her about fifteen times if what I just heard was right. She laughed and lighted up quite a bit, maybe because I became dumbfounded. She told me again that yes, this allowed me to live with my partner in Canada for the duration of the visitors record, BUT, I am not allowed to work or study as per stated on the VR. She also stated that if our application was not processed by the time the record expired that she made a note for the officer I get a couple days before expiry date to send me in for another VR to be issued.

Holy crap...I could not believe how easy and how nervous I was for nothing. She explained to me that I am able to cross everyday like I have been and to just show the officer my passport and VR when re-entering and I will fine, that officers are much more understanding when you have an application in progress. She was very helpful actually to the boatload of questions I had.
*Also I'd like to note that she stated a VR will not become null when crossing back and forth from the U.S. and Canada.*

So that's my experience and like I said everyone's is different but I just wanted to share a very pleasant and immensely grateful story in our journey.

Cheers! :)


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Sep 1, 2014
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8-4-16 COPR Arrived
10-4-16 Landed
xoxokirsten said:
Hey guys, I just wanted to share my experience obtaining a visitors record yesterday as our spousal application is being shipped off today! This may help someone who's in a similar situation or help someone gain some insight, but again, everyone's experience is different so this is just mine.

My partner and I (he being Canadian, me being American) have been together for two years now and on October 1st we officially hit the one year mark for common-law :) We've been working on and gathering everything for our outland application since April and I couldn't be more thrilled to finally be able to ship it off today. This forum has been the biggest help.

Let me start with the fact that we live on borer cities so I was crossing near every day, staying every night and on weekends. I did it for a year with nexus and although I didn't get turned away once I do not suggest doing this, you can get turned around along with many other consequences. After consulting with numerous people, friends who work at the border and a immigration lawyer, we were told to ask for a visitors record after we pay our fees and have our application ready. I was very weary of asking for one after reading some stories on here but I went with my gut and listened to the advice given to us.

We crossed yesterday to get dinner in the states with our printed receipt and our application in hand. When we crossed back we got a younger and very pleasant officer at the booth, I was being my very nervous usual self because that's how I am when dealing with this type of stuff, but Adam (my partner) kept me somewhat level headed, was so at ease and explained to him our situation. Turns out the officer knew our buddy who works at the border as well and was more than happy to send us in to secondary to get a VR.

As I clutched my partners hand and our application in the other we entered a very quiet and dead secondary. It was an older lady who called us up and was rather grating at first. She read the yellow slip the booth officer had given us and asked to see the receipt and both of our passports. She took a look at the things we gave her and asked what way we were going about our application, we told her common-law, and well...that was it! Didn't ask to see our application or any other documents. She then told us to take a seat and that she will fill out the paperwork and issue me the VR! *Note: She did ask the address where I will be living for the VR and if I will be crossing every day, I told her yes and my partner gave her the address, and that was that!

It took all of about fifteen minutes and when she called me back up she had the paper stapled in my passport and the stamp in my visa section. She then explained to me the conditions and everything I needed to know about having a visitors record. The first thing she told me was that this allowed me to live in Canada while we wait for our PR application to process and go through. Wait..what? :eek: I had to ask her about fifteen times if what I just heard was right. She laughed and lighted up quite a bit, maybe because I became dumbfounded. She told me again that yes, this allowed me to live with my partner in Canada for the duration of the visitors record, BUT, I am not allowed to work or study as per stated on the VR. She also stated that if our application was not processed by the time the record expired that she made a note for the officer I get a couple days before expiry date to send me in for another VR to be issued.

Holy crap...I could not believe how easy and how nervous I was for nothing. She explained to me that I am able to cross everyday like I have been and to just show the officer my passport and VR when re-entering and I will fine, that officers are much more understanding when you have an application in progress. She was very helpful actually to the boatload of questions I had.
*Also I'd like to note that she stated a VR will not become null when crossing back and forth from the U.S. and Canada.*

So that's my experience and like I said everyone's is different but I just wanted to share a very pleasant and immensely grateful story in our journey.

Cheers! :)
Wow! That's great! I know zero about a VR this is the first I'm hearing about one. I've applied spousal PR in August, I'm visiting my husband in Canada since last October but would love to be able to cross to US and back without stressing like I have only a couple of times in the last year. My husband lives near the Windsor border would it be possible for me to apply for a VR and be able to cross into U.S. Daily and work? I guess I better research this? I'm a U.S. citizen and as much as I'm SO thankful I have been able to stay with my hubby I am dying to get back to work, maybe this is an option? At least to not have to stress about possibly being denied entry just going to the U.S. To visit family.


Apr 4, 2015
Thanks for posting this, good to know! Any idea on what the prospects of getting a visitor's record are when you haven't yet applied for PR? My (American) wife and I were married on Oct 8 and she is currently waiting for her police check to be done. So far she's just been crossing using Nexus roughly once every week or two to stay for a day or two each time, except for when she came up for a week for the wedding. Now that we're married, she'd like to come up for a much longer visit while going through the PR process.


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Feb 11, 2014
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carr1 said:
Wow! That's great! I know zero about a VR this is the first I'm hearing about one. I've applied spousal PR in August, I'm visiting my husband in Canada since last October but would love to be able to cross to US and back without stressing like I have only a couple of times in the last year. My husband lives near the Windsor border would it be possible for me to apply for a VR and be able to cross into U.S. Daily and work? I guess I better research this? I'm a U.S. citizen and as much as I'm SO thankful I have been able to stay with my hubby I am dying to get back to work, maybe this is an option? At least to not have to stress about possibly being denied entry just going to the U.S. To visit family.
I'd honestly recommend asking the border for one in your situation! Especially since you already have the application in progress and want to work in the U.S. and not Canada. We live near the tunnel in Windsor and I cross Monday-Friday for school and work so it is impossible for me to just stay in Canada for the months it takes for the application to process. My whole family is the states as well so I would definitely miss them way too much.

I've read a lot of misunderstanding about what a visitors record is on many forums and I think it's because they can be a bad thing, but in our situations they can be a very good thing. Some people get them issued if the officer believes they are not going to leave at the end of their stay, they don't have an application in progress, or various other reasons and it keeps track of that person. But if you politely explain to the booth officer that you have a PR application in progress with your husband and would like to obtain a VR while it is processing then they'll send you into secondary and go from there. The border is much more understanding for U.S.-Canadian couples who have their application in progress.

I'd cross with your hubby, and have him do the talking (also bring your receipt and copy of your application) that's what we did. I'd also suggest going to the tunnel instead of the bridge, they are much more laid back. Go for dinner or visit family and then cross back!

I was a nervous wreck when we did it because I read all the horror stories of what a VR is but to be honest it was the best decision we had ever made!


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Feb 11, 2014
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BC29 said:
Thanks for posting this, good to know! Any idea on what the prospects of getting a visitor's record are when you haven't yet applied for PR? My (American) wife and I were married on Oct 8 and she is currently waiting for her police check to be done. So far she's just been crossing using Nexus roughly once every week or two to stay for a day or two each time, except for when she came up for a week for the wedding. Now that we're married, she'd like to come up for a much longer visit while going through the PR process.
I'm not entirely sure on your odds for obtaining one because when we did it we had our fees paid and our application in hand, they wanted to see our receipt but the lady didn't skim through our app, I think it just helped for her to see we had it done and will be sending it in. I'd get most of the application together and the fees paid and then try crossing with your wife and obtaining one!

You can still send in your application while waiting for the police check also! :) CIC knows it's a long processing time to obtain the police check right now for Americans and it took me about 8 weeks to get mine. Just write a letter in place where you would have the check saying you are waiting for it and will send it in as soon as you obtain it. I've read countless people who have done this!


Hero Member
Sep 1, 2014
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2-4-16 DM
8-4-16 COPR Arrived
10-4-16 Landed
xoxokirsten said:
I'd honestly recommend asking the border for one in your situation! Especially since you already have the application in progress and want to work in the U.S. and not Canada. We live near the tunnel in Windsor and I cross Monday-Friday for school and work so it is impossible for me to just stay in Canada for the months it takes for the application to process. My whole family is the states as well so I would definitely miss them way too much.

I've read a lot of misunderstanding about what a visitors record is on many forums and I think it's because they can be a bad thing, but in our situations they can be a very good thing. Some people get them issued if the officer believes they are not going to leave at the end of their stay, they don't have an application in progress, or various other reasons and it keeps track of that person. But if you politely explain to the booth officer that you have a PR application in progress with your husband and would like to obtain a VR while it is processing then they'll send you into secondary and go from there. The border is much more understanding for U.S.-Canadian couples who have their application in progress.

I'd cross with your hubby, and have him do the talking (also bring your receipt and copy of your application) that's what we did. I'd also suggest going to the tunnel instead of the bridge, they are much more laid back. Go for dinner or visit family and then cross back!

I was a nervous wreck when we did it because I read all the horror stories of what a VR is but to be honest it was the best decision we had ever made!
Sounds too good to be true! Have you been crossing on the VR now without any issues? Reading online the horror stories on getting a VR are making me nervous about trying it. The few times I have crossed into the U.S. And back in a nervous wreck! The worst crossing was in August at the Ambassador Bridge, it's put me off to trying again. I miss my family and working. We have been only in the Windsor area for a few months from the GTA and we do not know anyone here so may says get pretty long and boring. I'm not complaining as I'm thankful I'm with my hubby while plenty applying can't be but it's still stressful.


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Sep 1, 2014
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2-4-16 DM
8-4-16 COPR Arrived
10-4-16 Landed
BC29 said:
Thanks for posting this, good to know! Any idea on what the prospects of getting a visitor's record are when you haven't yet applied for PR? My (American) wife and I were married on Oct 8 and she is currently waiting for her police check to be done. So far she's just been crossing using Nexus roughly once every week or two to stay for a day or two each time, except for when she came up for a week for the wedding. Now that we're married, she'd like to come up for a much longer visit while going through the PR process.
I sent my PR app without my police check and mailed it seperatly after I finally received it. When applying I added a letter stating I would mail it once I received it along with my updated passport (with my married name) I also noted it on the checklist.


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Feb 11, 2014
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carr1 said:
Sounds too good to be true! Have you been crossing on the VR now without any issues? Reading online the horror stories on getting a VR are making me nervous about trying it. The few times I have crossed into the U.S. And back in a nervous wreck! The worst crossing was in August at the Ambassador Bridge, it's put me off to trying again. I miss my family and working. We have been only in the Windsor area for a few months from the GTA and we do not know anyone here so may says get pretty long and boring. I'm not complaining as I'm thankful I'm with my hubby while plenty applying can't be but it's still stressful.
Well I have nexus so I don't get trouble at all usually, but I've crossed twice since having the VR and the first time the guy just asked if I had anything to declare and I was on my way, didn't even look at it. Then today the guy asked where I lived and I told him that I have a home in Michigan but I'm staying in Windsor while my PR processes, showed him the VR and that was it, I was on my way. I don't think I'll get any issues. Do you have nexus? If not apply for it! It's a life saver.

Oh trust me, I'm the same way, anytime dealing with the border I'm a mess. But it definitely helps if you have your hubby with you doing all the talking when you go to get it. The bridge is much more strict, I avoid it at all costs. The tunnel is the way to go in my opinion.


Full Member
Jun 20, 2014
I need a help! I'm in a middle of my pr application (outland) and going back to my country in December . I have been in canada for past 14months now and i'm scared that if i go back to Canada in January they will give me hard time on a border. I have to ties to my country really plus i wont be having return ticket. I can only get letter from my husband that he is gonna buy me one as we plan to go to poland in july. Should i ask for VR ? I should hear something from CIC around march if not even earlier. Im super scared they will deny my enrty because i've been in canada for so long already.


Apr 4, 2015
My wife now has a Visitor Record and it was also not scary! She usually crosses the border using Nexus and often doesn't get asked how long she plans to stay. This time, with her wanting to visit for 6 months, sure enough, they asked. So they asked her a few more questions, then made her go into the office. But the immigration guy there was really cool and when she asked for a visitor record, he gave her one. All she had with her was a copy of the marriage certificate along with a couple of my recent paystubs showing I can support her. We don't even have her PR application in yet, still working on the paperwork.


Hero Member
Sep 1, 2014
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2-4-16 DM
8-4-16 COPR Arrived
10-4-16 Landed
xoxokirsten said:
Well I have nexus so I don't get trouble at all usually, but I've crossed twice since having the VR and the first time the guy just asked if I had anything to declare and I was on my way, didn't even look at it. Then today the guy asked where I lived and I told him that I have a home in Michigan but I'm staying in Windsor while my PR processes, showed him the VR and that was it, I was on my way. I don't think I'll get any issues. Do you have nexus? If not apply for it! It's a life saver.

Oh trust me, I'm the same way, anytime dealing with the border I'm a mess. But it definitely helps if you have your hubby with you doing all the talking when you go to get it. The bridge is much more strict, I avoid it at all costs. The tunnel is the way to go in my opinion.
I don't have a Nexus card but I'm going to cross into Detroit on Friday for dinner and then on the way back into Canada try for a VR, I'm nervous but hoping it goes well.
What I would like to do is try and work in Detroit and stay with my husband in Windsor while my PR app is processed, we just got SA last week.
I'm going to try the tunnel over the bridge for sure! Thanks so much for the info.


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Sep 1, 2014
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2-4-16 DM
8-4-16 COPR Arrived
10-4-16 Landed
Went thru the tunnel tonight and was given a one year VR! I can't work here still but the border agent said it will make crossing so much easier and now I'm allowed to say I live here! Thanks so much Kirsten for posting this info!!


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Feb 11, 2014
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carr1 said:
Went thru the tunnel tonight and was given a one year VR! I can't work here still but the border agent said it will make crossing so much easier and now I'm allowed to say I live here! Thanks so much Kirsten for posting this info!!
That makes me so happy to hear, I'm glad my post helped you!! I was a absolute wreck when asking for one, I didn't know what was going to happen just because all the stories I read on here were bad, so when I obtained one I had to share the good side of things. Especially if it's going to help someone in the same situation! But the tunnels the way to go, and congrats on your SA!!

Cheers :D


Star Member
Feb 20, 2013
British Columbia
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good for you!
My spouse has visitor record as well, but the border officer was very rude to us even with all the receipts and documents.
The officer inside of border office was, however, very nice and gave my spouse 6 months VR in case our paperwork takes longer than couple of months.