Explorer 101, You are absolutly right buddy! I have the same view and observations as yours.explorer101 said:Nice to read that your efforts brought good result. Canada do have good opportunities but to grab these opportunities landed immigrants have to come up with a planned approach. Knowing the requirement of getting a job should be done at the stage of immigration process and not after landing. These days virtually every info is available on net. New Immigrants need exceptional preparation to compete with the Canadians, so they would have to raise their skills. Finding fault in Canadian system would not be of much use, finding ways to raise the skill would serve better.
Why it is difficult to compete with Canadians ?
I work for a Canadian bank and one of my job is to profile the clients and on profiling I found that :-
1. Most of the Canadians start working at early age 16-17-18 as soon as they reach legal working age limit of the province. First job they do is during summer vacation is mostly in recreational parks.
2. 2nd year break they work in food chains ( food basics, freshco etc)etc.
3. 3rd year during break Tim Hortons, restaurants , Mc D, and some upper level food chains / franchises.( walmart, sobeys etc)
4. 4th year - office work or campus placement and so on .............5,6,7....
So, the Directors, managers, hiring managers etc all go through this phase before they start with the profession they are in after completing their college and by that time they have already worked for many many years at different positions. Keeping this in their mind they disregard a resume of new immigrant. So most of the new immigrants have to start from a scratch and for that some of us do not have patence as we want to take up the same position which we had back home. Getting a lower level of job and they moving up is a better idea than getting frustrated, cursing, writing big blogs and then leaving Canada.
I do not accept with the view that their is no life for immigrant landing after they reached the age of 30 yrs. Experience of any sort ( back home experience) matters after one gets first job in Canada , the problem is in regard to first break only. The good position left back home can be reached again also. The age of 30-40-50 do not matter, all that matters is WILL to succeed. I am over 40 now and find that I am still good to compete with any age. So guys over the age of 30, do not get dishartened, we still have long way to go, so keep rocking, Canada belongs to you also.