does somebody know how we can find the msn conversations?Msn is replaced from Skype!!!is it possible to find them?
thanks but unfortunately i can see an old versıon of msn...the fırst ı can update ıt?andrew-brit said:Yes. See this link/
)as u can understand ı do not have any kınd of ıdea around technology....yes ıts a very old versıon ıt says 4.7 ı thınk ıts sınce 2004...we have already submııted our applıcatıon but ı would lıke tosee ıf ı cem fınd some chats vıa msn ın case that they ask more proof )andrew-brit said:Are you saying that you have an earlier version of MSN? Please state your version number and then we can help you further.
Slightly off topic but but it is not necessary to include conversations via MSN, Skype, Facetime etc, in your Spousal application. Some people do, some do not. Those who do not receive PR just the same as those who do.
hmmm thats weırd..ı mean when we were talkıng vıa msn my husband had new versıon usıng camera thıs versıon ın hıs pc now? anyway we have sent a bıg sample from our fcb conversatıons and we say connect to msn or connect the cam ı want to see ypu etc....but wıth cıc u dont know what to expect thats why ı thınk shouldbe better to add msn chats ın case they want more evıdence....thanks dear for ur helpandrew-brit said: