Hi giselle. For the longest time, I never wanted to be here in Manitoba. I did all the delaying tactics so my papers wont be processed right away.. hehe.. for the convincing part it took years.. and while the paper is being processed i delayed it as much as i could.. If i was given 4 months to submit something i submit it on the 4th month.. ha ha.. that's what happened to me... I was thinking that if my life is good in the philippines, why would i spend the rest of my life in a simple rural-like manitoba?.. hehe... It is only through this forum that somehow stirred my curiosity on what's cooking on filipinos mind, why would they want to migrate to manitoba?... my curiosity led to my conclusion that, I am simply taking for granted something that appears to be a great blessings to others.. That is the time i took manitoba for consideration.. I said to myself that i could always go back to the Philippines if i don't like it here.. that is what my family promised me as well that i could go back to the philippines even just after a month after i get my p.r. card... so the rest is history.. i am now here.. hehe..
But yep, I kinda like it here now..

I noticed that life is easier for the blue collar people here.. In my old post, I was talking about the tricycle driver in the philippines who is doing ok here. His salary is a bit more than 3k Canadian dollars a month which is roughly P133,000 pesos. He has his own house and a van.. something that he cannot afford in the philippines. For the white collar people, I guess it might not be that convenient right away for a number of immigrants. They do really end up with odd jobs at first and some never find corporate jobs up to now. (based on my observation with my short stay and series of interview to people here.. hehe.. chismoso kasi haha!!!)
Happiness and success for me is just in our minds. I was happy and i feel that I am successful in the philippines, and I am happy now and intend to be successful here as well, with no pressure on my case however since I don't have kids to feed, unlike in your case... before i share my game plan on how to land on a corporate job here let me just share to you true stories of the people around me first...
One of my sisters, luckily never got to experience "odd jobs" here.. she immediately landed on a corporate job with a big company.. hehe.. The job is simpler compare to what she did before back in pinas, but she is getting good salary as well.. while her husband did work for department stores while studying a bit so he can be a recognized engineer here.. finally the fruit of his labor is here, he is now an engineer after almost 2 years of working in department store/part time waiter and studying a bit... so I can say that their earning is more than the figures that you have quoted in philippine peso.... good for them...
On the other hand, my other sister, who used to be a manager back in pinas, chose a simple life here.. she just works for a department store with her husband, who is a senior manager in bank back there... they are still able to purchase a car.. and live a descent life... it is their choice to live their life as simple as that.. just enjoying the sun, the nature, the simple blessings in this northern place.. And life is good for them.. or maybe that is how they see it..
We are from a big family.. but we still have one brother who is left in pinas.. At one time he didn't have work and had a problem with his tummy that he needed to undergo surgery.. saint lukes charged him quarter a million.. a friend of mine had a business and had this infection in his foot that is giving him fever for weeks.. makati med was able to trace in about a month and finally cure it for around quarter a million as well.. A friend of ours spent millions on battling cancer.. unfortunately she passed away after the last chemotherapy. those thoughts had me thinking as well that my funds for my sickness should be millions as well in the philippines..And specially when i grow old, and no insurance will cover my health because of my age... Here in manitoba, unlike other provinces it is free..
In your case P250k is good money in the philippines.. If you have a fat bank account to cover your retirement and the some unfortunate events(flood, etc.. hopefully not). I think you are good.. A lot of filipinos had made it good and made it great in our homeland.. the land of milk and honey is just really in our minds.. It is just a matter of preference for me, so to speak.. On how you prefer to live your life, the filipino or canadian way.. hehe.. Either way we could be profitable and live great and be blessed.. We might just have to encounter few hurdles along the way..
Just relax, and try to find out what you really want in life.. you are the only one who has the answer to your question.. If you can`t decide, why not take a peek of what`s in here and just leave your other foot in pinas and not resign yet from your job.. however a peek might not be able to give you a better view of what`s instore for you here...

gulo ba haha...