Hi There, is there anyone who can help me answering these question?I am not a registered or Licensed Practical Nurse, what should be the answer to all these questions. PLEASE HELP ME...
Your intended occupation:Edit Working in Canada?
Answer: Practical Nurse
Your spouse's intended occupation:
Answer: Aircraft Mechanic
Is your occupation regulated in Manitoba? Yes No
Answer: Yes
If your occupation is regulated, what steps will you take to meet the requirements for working in this occupation in Manitoba?
Answer: I must contact the CPLNM, complete the CPLNM application form to assess my education and my credentials,submit the required documents and wait for the assessment result.
If your occupation is regulated, can you start the licensing process before you arrive? Yes No
If yes, please explain what steps will be taken to start the licensing process before you arrive in Manitoba:
Answer: NO
If your occupation is regulated, in what related, non-regulated occupations could you find skilled employment in Manitoba based on your training and work experience?
Answer: Nursing Aide,Caregiver,Health Care Assistant
If your occupation is not regulated, what steps will you take before you arrive in Manitoba to ensure you find skilled employment soon after arriving in Manitoba?
Answer: I Don't know what to write here please help me with this asap.
Are you planning to upgrade your job skills before you arrive in Manitoba? Yes No
Answer: NO
If yes, please explain what steps you will take to upgrade your job skills:
Answer: N/A
Are you planning to upgrade your job skills before you arrive in Manitoba? Yes No
Answer: NO
If yes, please explain what steps you will take to upgrade your job skills:
Some occupations require higher language proficiency to be employable in Manitoba.
Do you have the language ability required to start employment in a skilled occupation after you arrive in Manitoba? Yes No
Answer: YES
Are you planning to improve your English language skills before you arrive in Manitoba? Yes No
Answer: NO
If yes, please explain what steps you will take to improve your English language skills.