Good day Guys,
I got bored this rainy Monday morning and hence I am sharing
my observation based on the MPNP ever changing rules and unpredictable timeline. This will greatly benefit those who are under
General Stream 2012 mail applications. ;D ;D ;D
1. MPNP has changed the MAS FORM ( two friend sponsorship) into Settlement Plan (one friend sponsorship)under General Stream last July 2012 (3rd or 4th week) BUT they gave a leeway until October 01, 2012 for those who have started the MAS form and have not sent it yet.
In line with this, THOSE GS applicants who have submitted under Settlement Plan (one friend sponsorship) have not received any LOA yet including me, as far as i know. They have processed first those who are still under the MAS form. In the contrary, once they have finished those applicants under MAS am sure MPNP will definitely put priority on those backlogs under Settlement Plan.
2. MPNP has implemented the application of GS via ONLINE last January 2013.
This has been one of the greatest achievements for MPNP. But I believe that, MPNP should prioritize first those who have submitted MAIL application before online application. This has been evident because I do not see any GS online applicants who were interviewed or received the LOA.
3. MPNP has introduced a new rules or point system last April 1, 2013.
This is a good news because the awarding of points have been very straightforward thus it is easier to gain points. Furthermore, as long as you have scored 60 points and up plus you have a Manitoba connection you are good to go. However, There is a major change that MOST OF THE APPLICANTS whether NEW or OLD have forgotten. It is the abolition of STREAMS, no more family or general streams classification. The only edge for those who have family ties is the 20 points for adaptability and 10 points for friend connection. THIS IS NOT A JOKE. Hence, I believe that it will be now fair fight for the processing time for all the applicants except those you have job offer.Penultimately, the actual timeline is yet to be determined since they have not started processing applications after April 1 2013. So, for those who have applied after April 1, 2013, extend your patience and do not get so frustrated with others' timeline.
4. The process for the Family Streams as the
priority application will end soon.
As stated in number 3, MPNP has abolished the streams last April 2013 as a result the priority for FS will last only under those who have applied before March 31, 2013. If you are under FS on the months of January 2013- March 2013 expect your sponsor's interview soon and LOA.
Moreover, if they have finished those FS applicants on those dates, MPNP will definitely proceed under GS 2012 mail applications whether under MAS form or Settlement Plan. So, CHEER UP GENERAL STREAMS 2012 APPLICANTS. I am confident MPNP will have massive LOA issuance anytime soon.
AGAIN, this is JUST MY VIEW but it is based on observations.

MPNP's timeline is really unpredictable. This is not to burst your bubble but there were 2 GS online applicants whose sponsors got interviewed and one of them got his LOA already. You may check with the Spreadsheet for 2013 Applicants.