No one really knows when the supporter will be interviewed. But basing on others' timelines, you might get some idea when yours will come.
A change in the status signifies that there is movement in the processing of your application.
As for my case, when my status changed to Assessment Pending, I immediately informed my supporter to be ready because she might get a call anytime. But it took more than a month before she was interviewed.
My status' timeline:
> Application Received - 10/16/2013
> Assessment Pending - 6/13/2014 (almost 8 months after Application Received)
> Sponsor Interview/Assessment In Process - 7/19/2014 (5 weeks after Assessment Pending; status immediately changed to Assessment in Process after sponsor was interviewed)
> Assessment Complete - 8/2/2014 (14 days or 2 weeks after Assessment in Process)
Hope this helps. Take note though that some applications are faster and some takes longer ( I consider mine to be in the middle but i think it's a bit slow because it took 8 long months before i saw some changes/movement). It's really a case to case basis and no one really knows the reason why there is differences in the timeline.
God bless us all and hoping, praying and wishing for the best to all of us.