Hi GKarl,
I highly appreciate your reponse

But our confusion is this :
Immigration Office requested for processing this application? my answer to this item when i submitted my application to CIC was "Province of Manitoba", because as far as i know it is the office who requested the application (as per my LOA). correct me if im wrong.
But as indicated on the guidelines (the link you provided):
Immigration Office requested for the processing of your application
Indicate the name of the Immigration Office which serves:
- your country of nationality, or
- the country in which you are residing, provided that you have been lawfully admitted to that country for at least one (1) year.
Note: Do not select the Centralized Intake Office (CIO) as the immigration office requested to process your application. Although you may be required to submit your application to the CIO, you must indicate the name of an appropriate visa office using the criteria above.
Note:If you are applying for refugee protection from within Canada or being sponsored from within Canada, this question does not apply to you. Go to Question 5.
But according to your response:
•your friend's country of nationality, or
•the country in which your friend are residing, provided that your friend have been lawfully admitted to that country for at least one (1) year.
so which is which?
Your Country" or "
Your friend's country"
can you please help us?
Thank You