Maybe you need to be proactive , dont wait. Just attach the previous work permit refusal letter of your wife with the second approval letter and send to them via webform. At least that will draw their notice and add it to your file and trigger some movement? Just a thought
I have already raised a web form and attached the refusal letter, acceptance letter and letter of explanation immediately I clocked the 6 months timeline to see if that will get their attention.
I also raised another web form towards the end of November when I realized some inland candidates were sent landing interviews instead of passports request email. I also read about the pilot project where inland applicants are given an appointment for an interview
at a local visa office. I told them if this is the reason my application is still being delayed maybe they are unable to get an interview date at my local visa office, I am more than willing
to land at the border to expedite my application.
I also went to see my local MP to call them on my behalf maybe they can respect the office and approve my application but the response I got from the MPs office is that they’re still working on it and they need some more time.
I have tried all what I think I can do. At this point, I’ve surrendered all to Jesus!