sarasara said:
I just found out that I have made a mistake in my Study permit 1294E form, I have wrote wrong university name, infact the form wasn't filled by me but I am not using any Representative. I have attached all the copies of my educational documents along with my visa application. what will happen now? I am really worried
Plz reply
Sara Bashir
This is not called a MISTAKE!!!! Mistake is something like if you have written Isra instead of Iqra. And there is mountainous difference between the spellings of
Karachi University and Iqra University . And as far as your FORM is concerned, every candidate is supposed to make signatures on the form when they have filled it up. The purpose of those signatures is not to see your "hand-writing" but it means that the information you have provided in the forms is all correct. So whenever there is a mistake, the responsibility is yours! The VO just review the form, he has nothing to do that who files the form. By the way, Form must always be filled up by the student him/herself. Why you put another person to fill your form??
Nothing to be said about your situation. Allah will do better, just pray more and more. Have faith in Him, and you will get your visa In'sha'Allah.