My pleasure =) Given that the page was down for a bit wasn't sure if you'd run accross it.
Regarding evidence, think about it as if you are leaving your application in an empty room with a desk. A skeptical person is going to walk in there and review it - quickly - and you want them to get the impression that you have a solid relationship. Therefore, anything that they may raise a question mark to the average skeptical person is explained within the realm of the application (typical question marks are things like age difference, language barriers, dtc) so add in an extra page with an explanation. Every question is answered and those that don't apply s ah n/a (i.e., you didn't forget to complete it). Regarding pictures, consider that there are people around the world who have staged weddings and vacations (e.g., Photoshopped themselves in and/or there are actually people CIC has found that pay people to dress up as of they are going to a wedding and then several couples take wedding pictures with their 'guests') so be extra-broad in your scope so that you convince the observer that they are genuine due to the breadth, scope, etc. Consider adding in names at least a few times for other people in the photos and their relationship to you. Add in special moments and also random moments in life that you may have. I really don't think CIC is trying make life hard; they just have seen so many things that are unimaginable to folks on the outside that they have to be extra careful. So, make it easy for them to take that decision under uncertainty by giving them more than enough evidence to do so (they can always ignore the rest once they are convinced).
And, above all, do what feels right to you.
Ask away, and good luck
ETA: If you want to better undestand the process, consider reading OP-2 ( and keeping an eye on the various Bulletins too.