to whoever can help...OhCanadiana?
this is what my wife received today in her email:
This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada. In order for us to continue the processing of your
application, we require the following:
1. MEXICO. You will need to provide both:
- Federal Police Certificate issued by Procuraduría General de la República (PGR) called “Constancia de
Antecedentes Registrales”.
- Federal Police Certificate issued by Secretaría de Seguridad Pública (SSP) called “Certificado de
Antecedentes No Penales”
Instructions on how to obtain police certificates from PGR and SSP are at the bottom of this Letter.
NOTE: Mexican state police certificates will not be accepted
• Please submit an updated version of the Schedule A Background/Declaration form (IMM 5669) for you. We
noted that you have failed to cover all time periods required in Section 8 (personal history).
In Section 8, you must provide the details of your personal history for all time periods since the age of 18.
Specifically, you should address the following gap: From 02/1990 to 01/2002.
Furthermore, for all time periods, you must specify the months and years covered by each activity and indicate
your occupation or job title if you were working, or otherwise provide information on what you were doing (for
instance: unemployed, studying, travelling, in detention, etc.). The detailed description should be written in
English or French (indicating that you are simply “employed” is not acceptable).
• Payment of your Right of Permanent Resident Fee. In order to expexpedite the processing of your application, we
require you to provide us a copy of your RPRF receipt. If the fee has not already been paid, please find
instructions on how to proceed at
so...we've already paid and sent the receipt with the file...
the weird thing is she already sent one of these police reports...should she re do it just in case?