josedavid said:
Hi mc1234
Were you asked to attend an interview? I saw your timeline and your process has been very very fast!

, if it is possible to say, what kind of proof of relationship you sent with your initial application?
No we weren't ask to attend an interview (and hopefully we don't get ask too) So far it has been fast but its not over so our process could still be long!

We included a lot of proof in our initial application: car insurance, gym contracts, trips together, plane tickets of travelling to see eachother, vacations we took, sworn declarations from family and friends, Photo time line, skype convos, fb convos, calling cards, photos with family and friends, mail sent to our address, shared addresses on our IDs drivers license, joint bank account, proof of being eachothers beneficiaries, etc these are the things I can think of off the top of my head.
Also, we have little age difference (1 year apart) no dependents, never married previously and no previous immigration issues.