I know, my wife and i aldo went to T&T in February and did her medical there, i hope they do not ask for an interview, it cost me $7000 cad to go there. This is right before travel restrictions and all that.
They think we are milioners but unfortunately i am not lol . If they ask to go there again, we cant afford and will have to wait till i save up again.
Why they do not make it one trip to do both for people? I do not get it.
We applied August 2019 and file got transferred to Mexico 3 months after in october. Compare to others like yourself is not too bad. But still will be a year next month, we do not deserve to be treated like this. I lived with her 7 month after we got married in 2018. But no work in cuba so had to come back here to look for our loaf of bread

Sickening... and i see our PM with his lover on holiday with all fancy things y fancy talks....
It was a month a go that i heard mitch in this forum lost a baby due to lack of hospitalization.
It is not fare... immigrants life matter too. Why there is not sufficient funds to process applications in a timely manner? Why there is not integrity among visa offices around the globe?
Why they do not work on paper applications? The papers are from a year or two years a go. How stupid they virus on them? Are they snifelling peoples papers or eat them?
Feel sickening.... so sick of it.. 50,000 syrian refugees were welcome in one shot, np with that, but a lover of a Canadian citizen has to wait for year or two? I am paying taxes for what? Why there is no super visa for spouses ? If someone passes security checks should be done immediately and issued visa for a spousal sponsorship. The rest is BS . My opinion never mattered of course after all. Countries who are sticking like cancer to canada and call themselve allies do not require visas. Countries like cuba who never did anything to canada and canadian interests are considered enemy, just because of our nominal fake allies who steel masks from us. They are allies , go figure sister