Hi, i am looking for some information, I realize there is another topic that is very similar, however for me to read all 70 of the pages would take just too too long lol. Basically, I am a canadian citizen and I married a mexican, we are both living in Los Cabos, Mexico, i have been living down here for a year and a half and now that we are married, we would like to start a family, however my homeland of canada is where we want to do so. We have started filling out our application and what not, but i have a couple questions, 1st, regarding the medical, im wondering when he needs to go to Mexico City for the exam? Before we send the application, or after? And do we need to wait for a form to take to the exam? He just doesnt want to have to fly to Mexico City and not have all the info we need. Also, becasue I am living down here with him, is the financial obligation waved? Because we want to go to canada together, i dont want to have to move back by myself and start saving so i can show them my income. And finally, are we able to go to canada and wait for the application to be approved on a tourist visa? Any info is appreciated! Thanks!