Dear All
I am planning to apply at Memorial University for a MBA, but i've been seducted by its low tuition fee, but also have a lot of doubts, and i will like to ask you all your expereince in this University.
I know ALL Canadian Universities provide high quality educaction and a very global level, but in labour market, a graduate student from this University gets job offers as fast as ithers from other universities like University of Toronto, victoria, british columbia, alberta, etc?
After I graduate, is there any chance to get job at Newfoundland or should i consider relocating?
My spouse and my 2 kids will be coming with me, will my wife be able to find job while I am studying? Also can I find job due to the new changes in study permits off campus?
Are MBA in demand right now in Canada?
I ask all this questions because I am considering several options: Memorial University, University of Victoria, University of Saskatchewan, University of Calgary, University of Alberta and last on the list due to high education cost University of British Columbia. Any advice on this options? I order them by their tuition fees and that affects alot my decision order too.
Thank you in advance for your replies.