You're absolutely right - they DO want to get it over and done with. But that could all change very quickly when they start getting hounded by politicians wondering why Mr. Jones' application still isn't done.
Well...if YOU have never heard of it happening, then obviously it means that it never happens...right? :
And seriously, YOU need to get out of the world of rainbows and unicorns, and come join us here in reality land where real people live.
We're talking about people working for barely-above minimum wage who are probably under enough stress already, and then you want to try and say that their ethics will override their human emotions? Riiiight.
History is filled with people who were in much higher positions of authority, whose ethics should've guided their every move, and yet they too succumbed to typical human weaknesses. So please don't be totally naive in thinking that people working at CIC are somehow immune to getting pissed off when a politician starts nagging them about a specific case, just as a parent gets pissed off when a nagging child repeatedly asks, "are we there yet??"
I'm not taking anything out on anyone. I'm simply trying to inject a little bit of common sense into a discussion which desperately needs it. It would appear (from your stated views and the general naivety of some others) that people seem to think it's somehow perfectly okay and completely harmless to call up your local MP and ask him/her to get involved in your case and then expect there to be zero negative consequences. And if you really believe that, then yes, by all means, go nuts and get your MP involved. Hell, while you're at it, why not write to the leaders of every political party in your province and see which one of them wants to "stand up for the little guy" by making the most amount of noise? And why stop there? Let's write a letter to the Prime Minister while we're at it, and if HE doesn't get the ball rolling, we'll go straight to the Queen. That'll REALLY show those people at CIC that they better not twiddle their thumbs with those applications!