I have sent in a Statutory Declaration saying that I will never want to sponsor my children..notarized by an attorney and everything. I don't know what else to do. My ex-spouse has custody and all decision making power of the younger 2 and the older 2 ages 20 and 21 are in common law relationships and both have babies on the way
If they deny me I assume they can stamp "not approved" or "denied" on my PR app which will devastate me.
My OWP is good for 2 years until 2020. If they deny me, will they allow me to stay until the end of the OWP?
#worriedonceagain #thiswillbethedeathofme
If they deny me I assume they can stamp "not approved" or "denied" on my PR app which will devastate me.
My OWP is good for 2 years until 2020. If they deny me, will they allow me to stay until the end of the OWP?
#worriedonceagain #thiswillbethedeathofme