I got the following request from CIC :
Medical: Complete or provide proof of completion of the Immigration medical examination. To
date is appears that you have not completed the furtherance request that was sent to you in
Novemeber 2016 which was suppposed to be completed by March 9th 2017. Please contact your
panel physician for further information and complete any outstanding testing. This must be
received at this office by: 2017/04/16
I completed my medicals and infact the doctor had uploaded the documents. Should I be going to the same physician again or shall I got to another physician?
Medical: Complete or provide proof of completion of the Immigration medical examination. To
date is appears that you have not completed the furtherance request that was sent to you in
Novemeber 2016 which was suppposed to be completed by March 9th 2017. Please contact your
panel physician for further information and complete any outstanding testing. This must be
received at this office by: 2017/04/16
I completed my medicals and infact the doctor had uploaded the documents. Should I be going to the same physician again or shall I got to another physician?