thnks @ gm and pirates for ur response... Actually it was happened with one of my male cousin... He told me the day he went to the Doctor for his medicals, he found them like a couple, Male and Female. The main doctor's name referred by embassy was Female name, So my cousin met with this lady doctor. She seemed like a quite lady. She did his all exams except his physical body inspection which she later send him to the Male Doctor. My cousin was ok with that. The Male doctor took him in separate room where my cousin found one another Guy who seems like their servant helping them in their house work nothing more than that. The Doctor then seated himself on chair and said my cousin to keep stand at a distance of 6-7 feet away from him so that he can check him and then said to my cousin to take off all clothes from his body except the underwear which my cousin did. He told me that The other stranger guy was still there with the doctor and keep looking at him and even doctor didn't introduced that guy with my cousin. Then after the doctor checked him and he further said to my cousin to take off underwear too this time, n my cousin was like

, WTF!! in the presence of sum stranger(tht servant guy), My cousin was thinking that The doctor might b a GAY or he must be videotaping for any wrong purposes???

.... So what do u guys think IS it normal thing they usually say you to do during medicals?? or They cann't do like that, we should complain it to Embassy to investigate?? Thanks.