"it clearly says that the upfront medical is required"
I disagree that it "clearly says that". It also says "each of your family members" is to also get a medical done, and if one refuses to consider everything CIC has indicated about what "family member" means except what it says on the checklist, one could equally argue that family members who never intend to immigrate must get an upfront medical using the checklist-trumps-everything-else argument. We know from elsewhere (not the checklist) that in fact it's *accompanying* family members who also need a medical exam.
What is clear is that medical exam is on the checklist, which I read as meaning applicants are to address the matter before applying, and the website says that "there are TWO ways" to go about this. The website also says "You CAN contact a panel physician..." not "Contact a panel physician..." (never mind "must", "required to", etc)
If "Zarilenth got really lucky" to not have her application returned then Marrigold was also really lucky. And we haven't found anyone who was "unlucky" with respect to Zarilenth and Marrigold's visa office.
Even if we just look at Filipino applicants, Dirkorver123 sent to Mississauga without doing an upfront medical and the file still got passed on to Manila. Ditto for karla (karla's timeline:
apply: Feb 2013
sponsor OK:March
File transfer: April
Medical done: AUGUST 2013
PPR: August)
Now it is true that that there is a person, ellaine, who had her application returned instead of sending it on to Manila, but I don't believe ellaine's case is in fact comparable, because ellaine did not really choose the wait-until-requested "way", she chose the upfront way and then failed to submit the clearly required documentation for that choice. I say clearly required here because the website (at least), in the section for the upfront "way", indisputably says "must attach that form to your application". This isn't a generic "include all documents" but a specific "must" for a specific document. It also makes sense from a policy perspective since there is a reminder need with respect to those applicants who forgot to submit a document or appear to be under the misimpression it will never be required. They are distinguishable from those applicants who have indicated that they are aware of the need for a medical (per the checklist) and are just waiting for instruction.
I'll add that if Mississauga was seeing a lot of the same applications twice because the first go-round was sent back following panel physicians saying they can't or won't do upfront exams (my case) or misinterpreting the website, CIC would state clearly on the website that "Wait for instructions once you have submitted your application" is not a "way" available to all classes and CIC would furthermore be motivated to educate or crack down harder on its panel physicians who say they don't do upfront exams.
Anything is "possible", but not anything is reasonable, and I don't think it is reasonable to expect one's application to be returned when no one else who is similarly situated has ever reported having their application returned (with that being the sole reason for return).