Hi Guys,
Hope you all doing well. Wanted to update that I am blessed with a baby boy last week and mashallah the baby and mom both are in good health.
We tried to contact some midwives for the delivery but all midwives were booked and were not readily available. The last option we had was to wait for the day and go in emergency for the delivery at the hospital. When the time came we went to the hospital told them we are permanent residents without OHIP. They took the documents of my wife and admitted her in the room.
After few hours we were blessed with a baby boy. I was tensed as what the bill would be. Had my fingers crossed. We were in the hospital for 3 days. First day due to my wife and the other 2 days because of my baby jaundice. My baby is covered by OHIP from the time he was born.
Surprisingly we were discharged from the hospital and just walked away without paying anything. eheh but after a week I had a surprised in my mailbox and it was the bill of the hospital. I prayed and opened the bill and it was such a relief it was a total bill of 3200$ only. 2000 being the doctor fees and 1000 for the pvt room.
Next day I went to the doctor's accountant and said I am not able to pay the fees as I am a new immigrant and don't have any job etc etc. She made installments right away . Starting from next month of 200$ per month and if I still don't get a job I can pay 100$. So this was done

. The doctor fee is private so it has got nothing to do with the hospital therefore to avoid going it into government collection I had to pay 100$ on spot to make the installments
Other day I went to the hospital and said it is not possible for me to pay anything now. I would like to contact the service Ontario department regarding this as refugees has full rights and they even get welfare and we being the permanent resident are not covered by OHIP. This is unfair. They have hold my bill so I can make my efforts to get it covered.
Now I have contacted the Mayor of Mississauga and streets Ville and the service Ontario department to void these bills. Lets c what happens.
Getting a Job is a tough challenge. Not being lucky on it. Till yet I have not applied for any survival jobs but I am trying for call centers in banks , telecommunication or in retail full time. Every day is becoming a new challenge. It looks hard but have high hopes. Kindly pray Have financed a used Suv and the insurance is like too much. I am paying 300$ per month
The above was for general information to the members and for those members who are or is expecting a baby and migration to Canada in their last months.
Prayers are needed.