Just to share with you my experience of my kids medicals that get lost by RMO/VO.
initially me and the family have done medicals in feb 2013, after 7-8 months i got an email from VO through my lawyer that the VO couldn't find your kids medicals!! and they have asked me to send them a proof that kids have undergone medicals, sothats what i have done, sent them the reciepts as prrof of performance, In early feb 2014, they sent us back that kids need to undergo medicals again, so took the lids made the medicals again, paid the fees again and sent the VO the medicals reciept as POP again.
In april 2014, my medicals were already expired as (validity is 1 year from medical test which in my case was feb 2013), VO send me an email that the VO is in discussion with RMO to see if there is any possibility to extend your medcials, the RMO agreed to extend my medicals till feb 2015 and send me an email that your case shall be concluded before that date.
i just wanted to share my experience with you, hopefully it would give you an idea of what to expect, bear in mind that your case might be totally different than mine and that you wouldn't be exposed to the hussle and headache that i have gone through.
Good luck.