Your mother is clearly making a gender-based claim and the IRB has established guidelines that you can find here:
My dad mom were here on visitor visa. Dad met at accident here sep 2017 and broke his neck and got a spinal cord injury making him neck down paralysis called quadriplegia.
During that stage we had no idea what to do as medical was partially covered so we applied for refugee status and got approved the first stage eligibility as it covered all the medical expenses. Now the case is pending to be heard.
Mom is the principal applicant so as she will be fighting case for her safety back home country as she and dad only lived back alone and kids are all settled in canada. As a woman living in a village back home will be in danger of anything as dad is totally paralysed neck down. So i wanted to know how to fight this case so we can get them refugee status so they donot have to go back as its not possible for them in this stage.
What will happen or what can we do to win the hearing . This type of medical claim i guess is the rare happening here.
My dad currenlty in long term home care facility and as per doctors he will never be able gain any movements in his body neck down and his life span is also going to be short.
He was the only wage earner for himself and mom and if they go back how will she look after him and how will they survive.
Please advise
This seems to be a case of finding the best choice of asylum reasons. Is there any proof of her persecution? Why did you only file for asylum after you husband had a major accident and needed medical care? Do you have family in your home country? You have many children one could have returned to stay with you in your home country. Based on your last name I would imagine that OP comes from south east Asia. Based on his own admission they only filed for asylum receive medical care. All these things will likely be brought up in the asylum hearing. I have seen others on this forum run into similar issues and they paid for care and didn't file false asylum claims. Assume they are also now receiving welfare.Your mother is clearly making a gender-based claim and the IRB has established guidelines that you can find here:
Asking for legal advice on line is different than asking for processing tips for simpler applications because of the discretion of the decision-makers, the evolution of Federal Court decisions and the devil existing in the details of individual cases. Look to your lawyer.
Have you got a chance? This won't be too new for the IRB given their experience so look up Federal Court of Appeal cases and gender-related cases from whatever country your parents are from. Also, do you recollect your home country as so completely lawless, uncultured and barbarous that women in your mother's situation live under such threats? Those few countries exist, but is that your recollection of your country because they'll wish to see some evidence.
Your father has experienced a terrible tragedy, so I wish you well and I suggest that you consult a lawyer about your father's medical insurance and any deficiencies in their coverage because the current refugee claim "solution" could end suddenly with a negative decision.
I have sympathy but not for fraudulently using the system. It is clear the he wanted his parents to remain in Canada. If he had insurance it should have paid for care and care to get home. Instead of that option they filed a false refugee claim to get health coverage. Many others paid for parents to receive care or made the difficult choice for their parent to return home because they didn't have the funds to care for them in Canada.Poor guy's getting owned, deserves a bit of sympathy. :|
What OP doesn't realize is that they will end up having pay the the get denied and will also not have the option of the insurance company paying for his parents to get home with medical help. Wish that there were more repercussions for the blatant fraud. The person got lucky and filed when there was a huge backlog.Couldn't agree more. The refugee program is the most abused immigration program in the western nations.
This situation is a bit different. The majority of the family lives in Canada and is somewhat aware of the rules. The goal was to get health coverage. I remind people on a regular basis that supervisa and travel medical insurance won't allow their sick family member to remain in Canada to get treatment it is just to treat and stabilize them. Feel like there may be more to this story.Well, it doesn't stop. Some people act out of bad advice, some just have no respect and use it as a tool to buy time in Canada. Quebec asked for extra $300 million for refugee processing let alone the cost on healthcare and other welfare systems. I think there's nothing which can be done about it, some people will keep taking advantage at cost of others no matter what. They should come up.with some taxation system which should tax people admitted this route for a few years at a higher rate to payback in to the system, it will at least discourage this kind of behavior to some extent and promote legal pathways like economic immigration. Every human life is equally valuable and no dollar spent trying to save a human life is spent wrong but fraud must stop.
Well if you see your self in this situation then you will be able to realize how is this situatuion on a family whose father is in this stage and he cannot let him go back home when all of the family are settled in canada. Yes did apply to save dad life and mother as if you women is always a prey for people when they are alone or of their spouse.This situation is a bit different. The majority of the family lives in Canada and is somewhat aware of the rules. The goal was to get health coverage. I remind people on a regular basis that supervisa and travel medical insurance won't allow their sick family member to remain in Canada to get treatment it is just to treat and stabilize them. Feel like there may be more to this story.
Long story email amitgoraya@gmail.comThis situation is a bit different. The majority of the family lives in Canada and is somewhat aware of the rules. The goal was to get health coverage. I remind people on a regular basis that supervisa and travel medical insurance won't allow their sick family member to remain in Canada to get treatment it is just to treat and stabilize them. Feel like there may be more to this story.