Hello, I'm in a dilemma here,Im hypertensive with b.p of 148/85 and I was reffered to a consultant cardiologist.I finished all the tests by 8th of may 2014 and was told my reports will be sent to CIC. I completed my medicals on 8th of may 2014, but I got a call from the visa medical clinic on June 3rd 2014 that my medicals hasn't been sent because they forgot to attach some of my medical reports.I have gone back to rectify the issue and was assured that it would be sent
Given deadlines for medical exams by the embassy, will I be penalized for the incompetence of the visa clinic because its past my deadline.
my application is duly being processed in Accra CIC and I'm a Nigerian.
I have duly alerted Ghana CIC and Lagos CIC of the error made by the visa medical clinic.
Any pointers???? I urgently need replies if I did the right thing.?