We do not know which statistical method they use to come up with the number or whether they selectively pull data (only from "routine" applicants, not the outliners etc.). This forum is way too small to even give any good trending result. You need to pool numbers from previous years as well if you really want representative data. However, I highly doubt we can get that.I totally understand it's a small portion, but at the same time it shows a trend, I still can't believe they finish 80% of cases within a year.
We can't assume those who aren't on this forum or silent or inactive readers got their application done and we are the only one waiting for so long, in fact it can be totally opposite, we add them all and the number drops even further!
After bill C-6 passed they received a lot more applications, so maybe the number is calculated from the previous years.
Again we do not know for sure to draw any conclusions, just patiently wait.
Best of luck!