Test is coming soon, here is a few more numbers to momorize

496 French adopt Fleur-de-lys flower as a royalty sign.
1215 Signing Magna Carta (Great charter of freedom)
1497 John Cabot, Italian from England, he drew the first map of the east coast of Canada.
1497 The beginning of exploration of Canada by Europeans.
1534-1542 Jacques Cartier Atlantic trips claiming the land for King Fancies 1 of France (8 years).
1550s Appearance of the word Canada on the map.
1576 Martin Frobisher explored the Arctic for Queen Elizabeth.
1600s-1700s 8500 French settlers came to Quebec.
1600s-20th Generations of Scottish, Irish, Welsh and English came to Canada (English Canadians).
1600 The appearance of English colonies on the Atlantic coast.
1604 First settlement north of Florida by Pierre de Monts and Samuel Champlain.
1604 The French started to settle in the Maritime provinces (Acadians ancestors).
1608 Building a fortress of Quebec city by Samuel Champlain.
1670 King Charles 2 granted the Hudson Bay company exclusive rights. (100 years competitively).
1690 Count Frontenac refused to surrender to the English and said (( My only reply will be from the mouths of my cannons)).
1700/1800 Pierre Le Moyne defeated the English in James Bay and the Caribbean.
18th/ 19th century The opening of financial institutions in Canada.
1700s The battle between French and English to control North America.
1700s French recognized maple leaf as a symbol.
1700 Late of that the beginning of abolition of slavery at the British Parliament.
1701 Peace between Iroquois and French.
1755-63 8 years Great Upheaval (two thirds of Acadians forced out of their homelands).
1755 Guy Carlton (Lord Dorchester) defended the rights of the Canadiens and defeated an American invasion of Quebec. He also supervised the migration of loyalists to QC and NS between 1782 – 1783.
1758 The first representative assembly in Halifax, NS
1759 The battle of the Plains of Abraham at Quebec city (end of French Empire)
1763 King George 3rd granted territorial rights to Aboriginal people.
1864-1867 The Dominion of Canada (ON, QC, NB, NS)
1773 The first representative assembly in PEI
1774 Passing the Quebec Act (Religious freedom + holding public office).
1776 Forming United States by 13 English colonies.
1780 The ancestor of Olympian Marjorie Turner Baily from NS escaped from the USA to Canada.
1785 The first representative assembly in NB
1791 The Constitutional Act that formed upper and lower Canada. (Formal Name). Allowed two Canadas to elect their legislative assemblies.
1792 Establishing free town Sierra Leone by black men in Nova Scotia.
1793 Abolition of slavery in Upper Canada by John Grave Simco (The founder of Toronto /York).
1793 The first elected assembly of Lower Canada in Quebec.
1798 William Logan was born who gave his name to the highest mountain in Canada in Yukon.
1800s Hockey developed in Canada.
1800s Up to date, Canadians are born in Canada.
1800s-1980s The government placed aboriginal children in residential schools.
1860s Finishing parliament buildings.
1805 Defeating Napoleon in Trafalgar.
1807 The British Parliament prevented selling and buying slaves.
1813 Charles de Sala berry and 460 turned 4000 Americans at Chateauguay.
1813 Americans burned the parliament and government buildings in Toronto.
1813 Laura Secord walked 19 miles to warn James Fitzgibbon of an American attack.
1814 Robert Ross burned The White House and other public buildings in DC.
1814 1812 invasion failed/ Independence of Canada / Creating the Borders.
1814 Duke of Wellington defended Canada at endpoint (Ottawa).
1815 Duke of Wellington defeated Napoleon and played a role in choosing Ottawa as a capital.
1815 January 11th the birthday of J. McDonald. (Jan 11 is the J. Macdonald day).
1830s Reformers in Upper and Lower Canadas discussion about democracy.
1832 Opening MTL stock exchange.
1833 The abolition of slavery throughout the Empire.
1834 The beaver embalmed on St. Jean Baptist society and was adopted by patriotic groups as a symbol.
1837-1838 The armed rebellion to join US and adapt its republic values.
1840 The merge of upper and lower Canadas (The Province of Canada).
1842-1869 Logan founded and directed the geological survey of Canada.
1847-1848 First responsible government in British North America in NS.
1848-1849 Elgin introduced responsible government in the province of Canada (PM was La Fontaine)
1849 La Fontaine is a prime minister of the first responsible government.
1850s Maple leaf appeared on Canadian uniforms.
1853 Marry Ann Shadd is first woman publisher and founder the Provincial Freeman.
1854-2013 96 Canadians got Victoria cross, the highest honor for Canadians.
1857 Choosing Ottawa as a capital by Queen Victoria.
1857 The first black man to get VC, William Hall.
1864 Leonard Tilley suggested "Dominion of Canada" from the Bible. From sea to sea, and from river to the ends of Earth.
7/1/1867 The birth of the Dominion of Canada.
1867 The British North American act (birth of Canada).
1867 Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick.
1867 Defining the responsibilities of the federal government in the British North Act (Constitution Act).
1869 Canada took over the N.W.T FROM Hudson Bay company.
1870 The making up of the NWT.
1870 Manitoba, Northwest Territories.
1870 Ottawa sent troops to Fort Garry to fight Riel. (Metis uprising)
1871 British Columbia.
1871 BC joins Canada based on the promise of CPR.
1873 Prince Edward Island.
1873 Establishing North West Mounted Police By MacDonald.
1876 The flag of Royal Military College was founded.
1880 Transfer of the Arctic Islands (to N.W.T.).
1885 Establishing Banff park in Alberta.
1885 Second upraising for Metis in NWT (Riel execution)
1885 On November 7th. The CPR (ribbon of steel) done by Donald Smith (Lord Strathcona).
189s-1900 Canada's economy had a boom and became more industrialized.
1890 The Gold Rush in Yukon.
1891 James Naismith invented basketball.
1892 The Lord Stanley donated the cup.
1898 Yukon Territory.
1899-1902 The South African war and 7000 Canadians volunteered (Boer War) 260 died.
1900 The railway opened from Alaska to Whitehorse.
1900 The victories of Paardeberg (Horse Mountain) and Llilefontein (Canadian pride).
1905 Alberta, Saskatchewan.
1909 Lord Gray (Governor general) donated his cup for football championship.
1912-1920 Ottawa interned over 8000 Astro- Hungarian men as enemy's allies.
1914 117000 Ukrainians/115000 Poles/10000 European moved to West by the efforts of Laurier.
1914 The beginning of WW1 / Canada formed Canadian Crops 600,000 out of 8,000,000.
1915 John McCrae wrote the poem in Flanders Field.
1916 Manitoba was the first province to allow women to vote because of Women's Suffrage Movement led by Emily Stowe.
1916 Destroying the central block of the parliament by fire
1917 Capture Vimy Ridge on April 9 (Vimy Day).
1917 Robert Borden granted women the right to vote in federal elections. (Who has relatives serving in the war and nurses who were nicknamed Bluebirds).
1917 The first Canadian crop was not born in the British Empire to get VC, Filip Konowal.
1918 August 8 (The black day for German army) (The battle of Amiens).
1918 Arthur Currie (Great soldier) / Arras, Canad du Nord, Cambrai and Mons, battle of Amiens.
1918 Nov 11 the firs war ended with 60,000 killed and 170,000 wounded.
1918 All women over 21 got the right to vote in federal elections
1920 The group of seven (Painting style of wilderness of landscaping).
1921 First MP women, Agnes Macphil
1921 Canada adopted red and white as colors of its national flag.
1921 King George V (5) assigned the colors of the Canadian flag (red and white).
1921 King George V assigned the colors of the Canadian flag (red and white).
1922 Rebuilding the central block.
1927 Old age security.
1927 Finishing building the Peace tower.
1928-32-36 Phil Edwards originally from Guiana and got Canada bronze in the Olympics.
1929 The stock market crash (Roaring Twenties).
1933 The dark thirties (27% unemployed)
1934 The birth of Bank of Canada.
1935-40 John Buchan was a Governor General who said (Unity in Diversity)
1939 Jewish refugees turned away and immigration to Canada dropped.
1939 Beginning of WW2 by Hitler. 1,000,000 Canadians and NFL out of 11.5 million.
1940 Quebec grants women right to vote led by Therese Casgrain.
1940 Employment insurance.
1941 Canada was unsuccessful to defend Hong Kong from Japan.
1942 Canada was unsuccessful to defend Nazi controlled Dieppe on the coast of France.
1943-44 Canada helped to free Italy.
1944-45 Canada freed Netherland.
1944 JUNE 6 THE D- DAY/15,000 captured Juno beach/1 in 10 was Canadian.
1945-70 Canada got closer to the USA as a trade partner.
1945 May 8 Germany surrenders and the end of WW2 IN Europe lasted for 6 years.
1945 August 14.. Japan surrenders and the end of 4 year war in the Pacific.
1947 Discovering oil in Alberta.
1948 The right of voting for Japanese.
1948 Quebec adopted lily flower in its flag with a cross.
1949 Newfoundland and Labrador.
1950s Les Automatists in Quebec (Modern abstract art).
1950-53 Canada participated in the Korean War. (500 dead and 1000 injured)
1951 Canadians were able to afford adequate life style.
1956 37000 refugees from Soviet Union
1960s Quiet revolution in Quebec
1960s Third of Canadians were not French or English origins.
1960 The right of voting for aboriginal.
1963 Royal commission of bilingualism and biculturalism
1965 Quebec and Canada pension.
1965 The new Canadian flag.
1967 Starting the Order of Canada honor system.
1969 The official languages act
1970s The start of use of the title, Aboriginal people. (Indians before).
1970s Till today most immigrants come from Asia.
1970 La francophone was founded with the help of Canada.
1972 Paul Henderson scores winning goal in Canada- Soviet summit.
1973 Jazz Peterson receives the Order of Canada from 20th Governor general.
1975 50000 refugees from Vietnam
1979-1988 Wayne Gretzky greatest hockey player of all times played for the Edmonton Oilers.
1980 Referendum in Quebec about separation
1980 Terry Fox, from BC did a marathon of hope for cancer research. Lost his leg at age of 18 from cancer.
1982 Amendment of the Canadian constitution (CANADIAN charter of rights and freedoms)
1982 Changing the national day to Canada day instead of Dominion day.
1985 Rick Hanson, from BC circled the globe on the wheel chair for spinal cord research.
1988 Canadian government apologized to Canadians of Japanese origins.
1988 Free trade agreement with USA.
1989 Canada participated in space exploration (Canadian space agency /Canadarm)
1994 Free trade agreement with Mexico.
1995 Referendum in Quebec about separation
1996 Donovan Bailey double Olympian and world record sprinter.
1999 The making up of Nunavut.
1999 Nunavut.
2005 Clarkson (26th) governor donated Clarkson cup for women.
2005 The Canadian red ensign became the flag of Veterans in Canada.
2006 Parliament recognized the Quebecois form as a nation within a united Canada.
2006 Canada apologized for its discriminatory policy against Chinese workers.
easy to remember He ?