Got my citizenship on May 27th 2013

and then my sister applied!
Here is my sister's timeline: (Downtown Toronto area, but under Scarb. office)
First received the application on 9th of May 2013
Held it for 2months(I guess thats what they do, receive the mail, and store it for 2months) then they realized that some silly checkbox was not filled and they sent it back.
We resent it on July 31st
They received it again on 1st of August.
Held it for 2months again and then updated the online status to "in process" on the 1st of Oct 2013.
Funny thing is, on Ecas its showing that they mailed off the "Discover Canada book" on 9th of May which is impossible cuz they sent the application back as it was "incomplete". Anyway, she finally received the booklet this month (Nov) which clearly shows that they mailed it AFTER Ecas updated to "in process" which was in October. This is just silly, people might worry that their book got lost, or their address on the application might have been wrong. Its so generic, once they received the envelope they just update on Ecas that they mailed the book, but they don't do that in reality!
Anyway, sigh.
This is what E-cas says for her case:
We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on May 9, 2013.
We sent you a letter acknowledging receipt of your application(s), and a study book called Discover Canada on May 9, 2013. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us.
We started processing your application on October 1, 2013.
Anybody have a similar timeline? How long would you think till the test date? I estimated May 2015 ish...? Oh, we are in Downtown Toronto, but applications are processed in Scarb. (I know cuz mine was in Scab too)