immigrationaspirant said:
Hello SaiSivaRam - Hope all's well. My file was transferred to Ottawa last month, and your a month before me. Acording to my calculation you should be getting your PPR sometime in January, as gauging by thread of April Applicants, who were "In Process" mostly in August and September are getting their PPR's this month. I should be getting mine sometime in late January or beginning of Feb. Hope my dates are true and does not cause any further delays. I believe if you pass Eligibility, Criminality and Medicalsin GCMS notes, then you are pretty much through.
Hello 'immigrationaspirant' - i am doing well, thanks for asking. Yes, lets hope our processing to finish in the first month of 2014. My application was transferred to CPP-O sometime by end of Oct although it was in processing from start of Oct (so the real CPP-O processing has 'begun' in Nov) - i am not expecting anything this month; in response to my question on current application statuts, CPP-O replied, a decision will be taken in 'New Year' (i think new year means Jan 2014, or any time next year

!!!!) - arif.jabbar on april2013 tracking got a similar response, but he got PPR st the start of this month; likewise, for those whose due date on GCMS notes was Jan 2014, got PPR this month - on the otherhand, some folks still waiting to hear from CIC on PP, although they passed the due date mentioned on their GCMS notes - on top of all these things, there is this 'quota' thingy is going around (god knows how many applications are allocated for this year) - so 'its really hard to predict any thing' -
Beside all this, like you said, it seems like my application is passed all necessary requirements (as per my recent GCMS notes) (except there is nothing next to 'security', and seniors on this forum mentioned that this information is not disclosed as its classified, and should be expected) and i am more positive than before to listed good news sooner or later !!
Have a great holiday time !!