Hi, KG
Its always best to be honest. BUT there is a problem in diagnosis by the doctors sometimes.
MANY MANY other diseases can mimic TB, in our parts of the world, doctors seeing any sign of related or similar disease, just JUMP on to TB band wagon. Reason being it being common, and the other is lack of facilities, or cost of the investigations involved, and last but not the lease doctors being incompetent, or not caring to go further.
SO IF you are 100% sure you had TB then you can tell. BUT if there is doubt just let the Doctor see what is there inside you

They are gonna do COMPLETE tests, Blood work, Urine, Chest X-Ray etc. IF there is TB then there might/should be some characteristic changes in the chest X-Ray, so they will know. And will do further tests to rule out if its active or not...If not you will still be ok.
So to tell you to lie is not a good thing to say, as Honesty pays. BUT off course if you are 100% sure, then you should proceed. Believe me TB, many times, is OVER and WRONGLY DIAGNOSED in our parts of the world.
As per my knowledge, TB is not "Inadmissible" disease. So no worries.