nikhilsood009 said:
but that is an MOM prog and industrial engg is M.eng.
isnt it like ppl can change within M.eng only?
Man, i think you haven't done any homework. Nevermind, u can ofcourse change ur course. Only condition is that u MUST BE ACCEPTED BY THE UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE FOR THE PROGRAM by fulfilling the academic requirements. Details are available at the link provided below.
•You may change your school, program and/or field of study without applying for a new study permit. You do not need to apply for a change to the condition of your study permit, either. You may continue to use your study permit as long as it is valid.
•If you are changing your level of study (e.g., bachelor’s to master’s), you do not need to apply for a change to the condition of your study permit, either.