Is master degree submit after the application sent and after doc request by embassy. Because i was felt that there distance education is not count.
You can send t later , it will be fine. I sent my application when studies were in process, after graduation i sent to the visa office the master's Degree.Vishuand said:Is master degree submit after the application sent and after doc request by embassy. Because i was felt that there distance education is not count.
Thankscanadaforall said:You can send t later , it will be fine. I sent my application when studies were in process, after graduation i sent to the visa office the master's Degree.
Please do not even waste any time.
Hope it helps.
Vishuand said:Is master degree submit after the application sent and after doc request by embassy. Because i was felt that there distance education is not count.
limbo999 said:yes send it. you will get points for that.
can the masters degree( in distance education) eligible to get points after application submitted... any updates plz..mayankpandya said:Hi Limbo999,
May i know that whether Distance learning Masters is eligible to get points ?
Please let me know in details.
Maybe, read the Federal court of appeal ruling on it. http://decisions.fca-caf.gc.ca/en/2011/2011fca40/2011fca40.htmltallprince said:can the masters degree( in distance education) eligible to get points after application submitted... any updates plz..
Thank you Sir,PMM said:Hi
Maybe, read the Federal court of appeal ruling on it. http://decisions.fca-caf.gc.ca/en/2011/2011fca40/2011fca40.html
Pippin said:OK...so now I am going through the OP6 Manual and find on pg 30 that they DO ACCEPT: A distance learning credential is eligible for points as long as it meets the definition of a credential as outlined in R73.
When I go up to pg 14 of OP6 Manual I find R 73 defined:
―Educational credential‖ is defined in R73 as any diploma, degree or trade or apprenticeship credential issued on the completion of a program of study or training at an educational or training institution recognized by the authorities responsible for registering, accrediting, supervising and regulating such institutions in the country of issue.
So if I am trying to read the Federal Court Appeal Ruling AND OP6 Manual I cannot find agreement. OP6 says distance learning IS ELIGIBLE as long as it meets a definition...that states the credental has to be issued...on completion ... of study or training AT an educational or training institution..... HOW can you have distance education that is not AT an institution??? Shouldn't the word actually be FROM???
I have started a similar topic with a different title so we can get input specifically about Eligibility of Distance Education Points. I hope Vishuand will not mind.
Pippin said:OK...so now I am going through the OP6 Manual and find on pg 30 that they DO ACCEPT: A distance learning credential is eligible for points as long as it meets the definition of a credential as outlined in R73.
When I go up to pg 14 of OP6 Manual I find R 73 defined:
―Educational credential‖ is defined in R73 as any diploma, degree or trade or apprenticeship credential issued on the completion of a program of study or training at an educational or training institution recognized by the authorities responsible for registering, accrediting, supervising and regulating such institutions in the country of issue.
So if I am trying to read the Federal Court Appeal Ruling AND OP6 Manual I cannot find agreement. OP6 says distance learning IS ELIGIBLE as long as it meets a definition...that states the credential has to be issued...on completion ... of study or training AT an educational or training institution..... HOW can you have distance education that is not AT an institution??? Shouldn't the word actually be FROM???
I have started a similar topic with a different title so we can get input specifically about Eligibility of Distance Education Points. I hope Vishuand will not mind.