Had you just not got your Certificate of Divorce? Me and my spouse sweated about the same thing, despite both getting Divorce judgments (I divorced my UK spouse in Canada...don't ask long story, but someone kept my side of the bed warm). Neither of us had got round to obtaining the cert despite both being way beyond the required cooling off period to get them (30 days I believe), thankfully the local court told us we could email the clerk at the queens bench of the court that did our divorces and they would email us a copy of them stamped and signed (thus satisfying CIC). Glad to say the information was correct, We emailed our information separately (and no cost either) and within 24 hours we both had PDF's, which we printed and put in the pack, despite both being dated the day prior to the pack being sent both gave the original days the divorces came into effect. I know this doesn't help your particular case but someone searching the thread in the future might find this information handy, at the time Alberta Courts handled everything for us, other provinces..no clue.