yijiequ said:
hey guys.. but if he divorces.. he gonna lose an opportunity to stay in Canada.
Honestly what's the big deal about being able to stay in Canada? Why is everyone making such a big deal about trying to get him to stay in Canada? The OP already mentioned that he's not interested in staying here because he's already well established back in his home country. Sure it's difficult sometimes not just because of the marriage breakdown, and as mentioned, some people have to give up everything just to come here. But he's only been here not even a month, hardly any time to establish himself or make connections. At least back in his home country, that's a place where he has lived for 99.999% of his life and where he has friends, family, culture, etc. Over here where he's only been here for 3 weeks, he's pretty much got almost nobody.
Don't get me wrong, had he landed here 2 years ago, then afterwards she cheated on him, I definitely would support him trying to remain here in Canada, as he would've likely bought a house, worked for one company for a while, made a bunch of friends, etc. He would've already established himself here and it would be a shame for him to leave, even if the relationship was a mutual breakdown.
But come on guys, he's only been here for a few weeks, he already says he doesn't wish to be here, and the most important point: He shouldn't be allowed to remain in Canada since their relationship is about to breakdown during the 2 year conditional period. It's a shame that some of you guys are telling him to keep quiet just to be able to stay here, which by the way, is immigration fraud.
@stavros: Depending on where she lives, I believe some provinces require you both to be separated for at least a year before divorcing. I'm not 100% sure about this however, might want to check up with a lawyer or someone more experienced about this. Just out of curiosity, why is your wife still wanting you to be with her throughout her pregnancy despite this child not being yours? Is it because the father of the child doesn't want to be in her life?