I just received my proof of marriage which I had ordered. I was expecting to see a Marriage Certificate. However, what I got from office of registrar general is labeled "Marriage License". Is this correct? Can I use this as proof of marriage. My understanding was that the license was just something you need to show to the official who performs the marriage (what we got from City Hall before the marriage). However on this form it does say where the marriage took place, witness and official present. So is this sufficient? I guess I'm confused why this is labeled a Marriage License when the document checklist says I should provide a Marriage Certificate.
I just received my proof of marriage which I had ordered. I was expecting to see a Marriage Certificate. However, what I got from office of registrar general is labeled "Marriage License". Is this correct? Can I use this as proof of marriage. My understanding was that the license was just something you need to show to the official who performs the marriage (what we got from City Hall before the marriage). However on this form it does say where the marriage took place, witness and official present. So is this sufficient? I guess I'm confused why this is labeled a Marriage License when the document checklist says I should provide a Marriage Certificate.