Are you an inland applicant? Country of Origin please. My file is also stuck in CIO Sydney. AOR March 21st. When you called the agent at CIC, what was ur Eligibility status? And what response did u get from Goodale when you emailed them. Thanks, as i hope to hear from you
Hi my country of origin in India but I an a CEC candidate. Left canada in jan 2019 ...expired work permit.
My eligibility was recommended pass both agent and ralph reply was the same.
Below is a copy of the email from Ralph's office
Dear ***** - I spoke to IRCC regarding your application received Mar 27, 2019. It is at CIO-Sydney.
Standard processing time is 6 months. This means 80% of routine applications are completed within that time frame, while 20% take longer.
Criminality is in progress.
Eligibility in progress – recommend pass.
Security checks have not been initiated. They cannot be expedited and timelines are not available.
Medicals are valid until Apr 2020.
Robyn Sullivan