I was waiting to receive the AOR by mail, we got it by email a long time ago and status said it was sent of Mar 22..
Now today, we got a RQ.....

I was kind of expecting it, as we have been away for longer than a year during the 4 years, but according to the guidelines should have still been ok. Hubby was always employed in Canada during this time and we kept our residential address. We went away for a sabbatical and he is a university Professor, employed by the Canadian Government. It;s basically a work mission abroad.
I am so pissed right now. I did not want to leave for that long, and now I feel that it will jeopardize my possibility to become Canadien..
How long will this prolong the whole process? We have to file additional information within 45 days now.
I logged in online and it sais our application is in process. Which surprises me when I read that no ones application is in process now that sent in the application end of February.
Also, the RQ was sent from the VAncouver office, which means the files were transferred already.
Any good thoughts and input are very welcomed.